Thing's Are Better If I Stay

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Gerard's P.O.V

I wish this tour was over with. I just want to get home to Dee. So I know she's safe. The concert tonight was great. But I couldn't stop thinking about her. My hotel room is a mess. I take photos of the room then post them on tumbler. I put a link on twitter. I'll clean up after I call Dee. I pick up my mobile and dial Dee's number. I'd bought her this mobile. She'd dropped one and broke it when Ed told her Gavin had been spotted. She bought another but we kind of broke it whilst fooling around. So I bought her a iPhone 6 so she can have a haunted house too. Ha ha. Dee answered after I called her a second time. She sounded half asleep.

Dee: "'Lo."

Me: "Sorry, babe. Did I wake you?"

Dee: "Not slept. (Yawn) Can't sleep."

Me: "Why not?"

Dee: "Bob."

Me: "Huh?"

Dee: "Bob snoring on the floor."

Me: "Bob's in our room?" I frown. Why is Bob in our room?

Dee: "Yeah. Mark and Vic are sharing a room. Mike and Trè are sharing. Mikey and Ray are in a room together. Pete and Patrick are sharing. Then there's Chester and Billie. Amy, Hayley and Taylor are next door. Brendon's on the couch. Jez is next to him on the chair and Bob's on the floor in here."

Me: "Where's Oli?"

Dee: "In our bed."

I start to see red. Oli is sharing our bed with my wife.

Me: "With you?"

Dee: "Yes. Gee, why do you sound pissed off?"

Me: "Because I am." I mean she's sharing a bed...our bed with a guy that clearly has the hots for her. She's fucking cheating on me after everything that's happened?

Dee: "Why, sweetie? What's happened?"

Me: "Your kidding me, right?"

Dee: "What? I don't understand."

Me: "I'm on fucking tour and I'm gone a couple of days and you sleep with Oli."

She laughs. She fucking laughs at me.

Me: "What's so fucking funny?"

Dee stops laughing.

Dee: "Wait. Your not kidding are you? I hope to fucking god you are or when you get back, your out. I'm not a fucking cheat. I shouldn't have to explain myself. If you gave a fuck about me, you'd know that. I'm getting off the fucking phone now. Call me back when you grow a fucking brain."

She hangs up. What the fuck? I call Mikey. He answers straight away.

Mikey: "What the fuck have you said to Dee? She just broke another phone and stormed downstairs in tears."

Me: "She's in bed with Oli."

Mikey: "And?"

What the fuck? Is he serious?

Mikey: "Gee, Frank is there too. Everyone decided thing's are better if they stay in the bed with her.Oli and Bob are the strongest out of us all. Franks there because of you. Dee didn't want you to do exactly what you just did. What reason do you have for not trusting her?"

Fuck. Me and my big mouth.

Me: "Fuck. Take the phone to her. I need to sort this."

Dee's P.O.V

Another phone broken. Why doesn't Gerard trust me? I sat in the kitchen with Jeremy and Brendon hugging me as I sat on the floor leaned against the wall.

"It's okay, honey." Jeremy said as he rubbed my back.

"Whatever happened, we can sort it." Brendon soothed.

I try to control the sobbing. Bloody pregnancy hormones won't let me.

Mikey walks in the kitchen with his mobile in his hand. "Gee wants to talk to you."

I shake my head and wipe the tears away as best I can. "Tell him to fuck off." I shout.

Oli walks in as Mikey puts the phone on loudspeaker. "Whats up, Dee?" He asks sleepily.

I look over at him. "Gerard seems to think we're fucking. The fucking retard."

"He what?"Oli snaps. "I warned that prick about hurting you again. How the fuck can he think you'd do that?"

"Whoa. Slow down there, Oli." Mikey spoke up. "He's still my brother. Plus he's on fucking tour. So he's fucking tired."

I look up at Mikey. "I over reacted didn't I?" I groan and put my head in my hands. "Fucking idiot. Of course he's tired. He wouldn't think I'd cheated on him if he wasn't. Oh god." The tears started again.

"Mikey?" Gerard called from the phone. "Please pass the phone to Dee."

I looked at Mikey as he passed me the phone. Everyone left the kitchen as I put the phone to my ear.

Me: "I'm so sorry, Gee. I didn't think and I over reacted. I'm sorry."

Gerard: "No, baby. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that. I know you'd never do that to me. Being tired is not a good enough excuse. I love you, sweetheart. So fucking much. And I really miss you.

Me: "I miss you too. I love you, Gerard. I'm sorry. I'm a idiot."

Gerard: "Don't say that, baby. Your not a idiot. Your a smart, beautiful, sexy woman and I'm so proud to call you my wife."

We spoke for another ten minutes before Gerard started yawning.

Me: "Go get some sleep, sweetie."

Gerard: "Okay, baby. I'll call tomorrow...I mean later today."

Me: "Alright, darling. I love you. 'Night."

Gerard: "Love you too. 'Night."

I smiled as I hung up the phone. I'm really tired now. But I'm so glad we sorted it.

I look up as the back door opens, I open my mouth to scream, but I'm too late as I am dragged out of the door.

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