The Broken, The Beaten And The Damned

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Gerard's P.O.V

Now i understand everything. I will protect Dee at all costs. From now on she will be my top priority. Hopefully i can convince her to go on my tours with me. I want to find that son of a bitch and kick the shit out of him. He will never get the chance to hurt my Dee ever again. I'd die to protect her.

Frank's P.O.V

So that's why she flipped when i picked her up at the mag. Fuck. You fucking idiot, Frank. And if i ever come across that fucking perverted bastard, I'll fucking kill him. Disgusting, cock sucking wanker. How dare he hurt our Dee like that. I'm going to track the fucker down and slit his fucking throat.

Dee's P.O.V

I laid in my bed trying to sleep. But i couldn't. We'd talked till after one in the morning. Then we'd all gone our separate ways. We'd promised to meet again next friday. Well Gerard promised i'd see him in the morning. Gerard. My Gerard. That feels strange. In a good way. I didn't think I'd ever want to be this close to anyone. After him. I've never actually been with anyone before. Gerard knew that. And he was okay with it. He promised he'd wait.

I sat bolt upright when i heard a bang downstairs. I'm the only one in. I grabbed the phone and called Gerard. He answered on the first ring.

Gerard: "Hey, sweetheart. Miss me already?"

I heard another noise. Like footsteps on the stairs.

Me:"Oh god, Gee..."

Gerard:"What's wrong, Babe? You sound weird."

Me:"I...Oh fuck..."

The door to my room flung open.

Gerard's P.O.V

Dee:"Please don't...please..."

I heard another voice in the back ground.:"I told you i would find you."

I froze and grabbed the house phone. I group called Ray, Mikey, Bob, Frank and the stone's. As soon as they answered i put my mobile on loud speaker and told them to listen.

Dee's P.O.V

"Please go away."I sobbed. "Please. You don't need me anymore.. I..."

Gavin laughed. "I missed you." He said as he approached the bed. I dropped the phone. "The house needs cleaning and i haven't had a fuck since you went."

I tried to scramble off the bed. But he grabbed me round the waist. I kicked and screamed. But it was no use.

Ste's P.O.V

I broke Dee's door down. We'd all rushed round here as soon as we heard Dee screaming. Gerard was really panicking. hell we all were.

"Dee?" Gerard shouted heading for the stairs. We all ran up after him. When we got to her room we knew we were too late. The bed was a mess. Thing's were all over the floor, broken. Her mobile was by the door. Gerard picked it up, tears in his eyes.

"I'm calling Ed." I said as i took the phone from Gerard. "Dee is the only one with his number." I explained as i scrolled down to Ed's name. I hit dial. He answered straight away.

Ed: "Hey, Dee. What's up?"

Me: "It's Ste. He has her."

Ed:"Fuck. I'm on my way. Stay there."

He hung up and we all headed downstairs. Mikey had to steer Gerard down to the sofa in the living room. Gerard was in major shock.

Gerard's P.O.V

I promised her less than an hour ago that i was going to protect her and now that bastard had her already. I let Mikey guide me to the sofa. I sat down. No one spoke. Just muttered to themselves.

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