Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

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Gerard's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

A week later. Home again.

The smell of freshly made coffee and cookie's woke me. I reached for Dee. But met with a cd instead. I sat up and looked at the cover. Oh shit. 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge'. As if on cue, Helena started to play down in the lounge. I groaned. I know what this means. I just wish I knew what was going to happen. I got out of bed and dressed in black jeans, black t-shirt and black converse. Sighing, I headed out the door and down to my fate. I stopped half way down the stairs to see Dee dancing around the hallway to the music. She was good. I didn't know she could dance to be honest. Then I noticed the triplets sat watching her from the couch. Smiling and laughing as she spun around. She mixed in some of the moves Tina did on the Helena video. My mouth dropped open. She was amazing. Why didn't I see this before? The song ended.

Dee stopped dancing and looked at the triplets. "So who's gonna dance with mummy this time?" Jet put her arms out. "So, my little star wants to dance?" She picks her up and spins around with her in her arms. Jet giggles. "Ya know. I think daddy's been staring enough. He needs to get down here and join in." She stopped spinning and looked up at me.

"Err..I smelt coffee and cookies." I smiled as I walked towards them.

Dee kissed me then broke away with a smile. "We have something to show you." She sat Jet by the boys and knelt infront of them. They watched her with curious expressions. "Okay, sweeties." She started. "Pink monkey."

The triplets started bouncing up and down. "Lowla." They said in unison.

"Baseball cap."

"Unkie Mikey."


"Unkie Fwank."


"Unkie Way."

I watched wide eyed. They were doing it on cue.


"Unkie Bob."

"Insane." She said grinning at me.

They giggled as they looked up at me. "Daddy." They shouted. Then giggled again.

"Oh." I said as I advanced on the giggling kids on the couch. "Insane am I?" I started to tickle Art. Mickey and Jet pounced on me.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

11:00 pm.

I pulled Dee closer to my chest. We'd had fun spending the day with the kids. Then settled down on the couch to watch The Woman in Black. I was laid on my right side with my arms round Dee who was laid infront of me with her back against my chest.

"Today was great." I told her, placing a kiss on her head. "When I saw the cd on the bed this morning, I thought you were going to get revenge for the signing and stuff."

She laughed then turned onto her back so she could look at me. "I knew that's what you'd think." She said with a smile. "That's not how it works, baby."

"So how does it work?" I asked, cautiously.

"When I get revenge. And I will. It will be when you least expect it. I still owe you for the day we met too." Shit. I forgot about that one.


Next chapter will be the last. I am doing a sequel. I'll give you the title in the note's of the last

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