Will Make Them Pay For The Things That They Did

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Gerard's P.O.V

The music stopped and the light's in the club went on. Suddenly Dee's voice rang out through the speaker's.

"Hello again kiddy winks." She said. All eye's turned to a very large screen by the stage. Dee was on the screen with a mic in her hand and a very large smile. She was stood outside the club's men's restroom.

"The regulars may remember how the Stone twins like to wind me up at every opportunity." She said. "You will also remember how for the past month i have promised pay back. I always get my own back. Well tonight they decided to wind me up about a very special person."

I smiled. I'm very special to her? Fine by me.

"So tonight i am going to give you the privilege of witnessing my revenge." She gestured to Pete. Pete slid something under the rest room door. Then moved back. The screen split in two to see the inside of the rest room. Ste and Sam looked very nervous as they watched the door.

"It's too quiet out there." One of them said. Obviously the mic from the camera picked up their voices.

Dee grinned again. "Hello boy's."

Their eye's widened as they noticed the camera. "Oh shit." They said together.

Dee laughed. "Oh shit indeed. I owe you guy's about a month's worth of prank's. The egg's thrown at my window's. The banana in my tail pipe. The red food coloring in my swimming pool. The list is endless."

"What you going to do?" Ste, i think, asked.

"I thought I'd do my personal favorite."

They began to panic. "Shit."Sam muttered, "I think she's going to tar and feather us."

Dee laughed. "Tempting. But no." She gestured to Arnie. "Open up."

Arnie got the door open and the camera below the door switched off. Showing Just Dee walking into the room. The twins stood against the wall, staring at her with panic in their eyes.

"What are you going to do?" They asked.

Dee smiled sweetly at them. "Remember about three weeks ago when i was due to meet Frank for a interview?"

"Shit. No."

"Oh yes. You see you made me an hour late. Frank has spent the entire three weeks reminding me of it." She passed her mic to Arnie and nodded to Pete and another guy off screen.

"But...but..." Sam stuttered.

Dee grabbed the bucket from Pete. "What warning was it you gave me again? Oh yes, Enjoy" She said as she threw the contents all over Ste.

Ste was drenched. "O...Oh...M...my...g...god." He managed whilst shivering.

Sam went to run but wasn't quick enough as Dee grabbed the second bucket and threw the iced water at him.

Sam yelped and the crowd howled with laughter.

Dee grabbed the mic again and the crowd quietened down a little. "But i can't let you go home like that." She looked into the camera. "Don't worry Geena, Sues. I have towels and clean clothes for them." She gestured to Pete again. He passed Ste and Sam a towel and a bag each. "Go into the cubicles and get changed. Lesson learned i think."

The twins rushed into the cubicles. Dee grinned at Pete and Arnie. "Wait for it." She said to the camera. The room went quiet, staring at Dee on the screen.

"NO FUCKING WAY." The twins shouted from the cubicles.

Dee walked over to the cubicle doors and leaned her back on the partition in between. "Problem?"

"This is not funny."

"Come on boy's. I really don't see your problem. They are the only dry clothes spare in this entire building." She smiled at the camera and winked. "Hurry up or Arnie and Pete will break the door's down and drag you out."

A lot of shuffling and cursing could be heard behind the door's. "Regretting messing with me now are you?"

"Yes. If we say sorry will you let us off?"

Dee tapped her chin. "Well i don't know..." She paused then winked again. "I promised i would make you pay for the thing's that you did. Pay back's a bitch." She laughed. "Open up boy's. Time's up."

"Come on Dee."

"Pete...Arnie...open up."

"Alright, alright. We're coming."

Dee grinned as the door's opened and the twin's walked out dressed in matching pink dresses. The crowd went wild. Deena and Sues actually fell to the floor laughing. I couldn't hold it in much longer. They looked ridiculous. I sat back on the sofa and held my sides as i erupted into a fit of laughter.

"You look so pretty, ladies."Dee said to the red faced twins. "Remember i always get my own back."She looked at the camera again. "Always."

I stopped laughing and looked back at Dee on the screen. Shit. I remembered our phone call. She said she was going to get her own back. I smiled. But if i'm very special to her, she won't do anything as bad will she. I frowned. Or would she?

Dee's P.O.V

I smiled at Gerard as i sat down next to him ten minutes later. He looked back at me with a small laugh.

"Enjoy the show?" I asked as i leaned my head against the back of the sofa and closed my eyes.

"Obviously. Poor guys."

I turned my head to look at him and looked into his eyes. "Poor guys? Seriously?" I laughed. "You really have got to join us this Friday night at 'Sunshine'."

He frowned. "'Sunshine'?"

"My restaurant. We meet there on Friday's to chat about the week and eat."I turn my attention to his hair as i run my fingers through the soft strands. "Want to join us?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Problem is that it's the thirteenth."

He frowns. "Why's that a problem?"

I giggle. "Sam hate's the number thirteen. He call's it ten plus three." I look back at his now smiling face. "He also won't pick anything up if it hit's the floor. He has to color coordinate his food cupboards. He always uses hand sanitizer on his hands before and after food. He doesn't like using public toilet's and he put's his sleeve over his hand before opening door's." I smile at Gerard's amused look. "We think he has O.C.D but he denies it."

"Sound's like it."

I can't resist it. I lean forward and graze my lips over his, my fingers still entwined in his hair. I pull on it slightly as i attempt to deepen the kiss. He put's his right hand on my left hip and runs his tongue along my lips. I allow him access and we begin to explore each others mouths.

I hear a cough behind me. I break the kiss and stare at Gerard for a minute before turning to the sound of the noise. Pete is stood there with a frown on his face. "I'm sorry to interrupt but there's a Edward Fairchild to see you."

I stand up quick. "Where?"

"By the front door."

I look back down at Gerard. "Sorry, Gee. I have to see what he wants." I say apologetically. "I won't be long. I promise." He nods with a smile. So i follow Pete.

I arrive at the door to see a tall black haired man stood by Arnie. He smiles as i approach him.

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