Don't Ever Think I'll Make You Try To Stay

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Gerard's P.O.V

Great. Now everyones on my back. Most of all Amy and Jeremy. They don't understand.

"How could you do that to her?" Amy was furious. "She's such a sweet girl and you cheat on her?"

"Your a fucking idiot." Jeremy snapped."She deserves better. If I was with her, I'd never fuck around on her."

"Well your not fucking with her are you?" I snapped back. "Now get the fuck out of our home." I looked at everyone else. "All of you. Fuck off. You know fuck all about what happened. So keep your fucking accusations to yourself." I opened the front door. "Get the fuck out so I can talk to my wife. Alone."

Everyone walked out flinging abuse at me. Except Ray, Frank, Mikey and Bob. They just told me to call them when it's sorted. Lyn-z stops infront of me.

"Should I stay?" She asks.

"No." I say, then kiss her cheek. "I'll call you."

She nods then leaves. I close the door and turn to see Oli stood between me and the kitchen.

"I said you all had to go." I snapped. "Why are you still here?"

The usually quiet Oli looked very angry. "You aren't going near her unless she tells me you can." He stated.

"She's my fucking wife." I snap back.

He takes a step forward. "She's my fucking friend." He shouts. "You fucking hurt her, you bastard. I'm not letting you near her without her permission. No one fucks with Dee."

I throw my hands up in defeat. "Okay." I say. "It's not what she thinks. Please ask her to let me talk to her."

He softens a bit. "I'll ask her. But no promises." He says then turns on his heels and heads for the kitchen.

Dee's P.O.V

I look up as Oli approaches me. He sits on the swing and pulls me into his arms. I hug him back as fresh tears spill again.

"It's okay, honey." He mutters as he rubs my back. "I'm here. I won't let him near you without your say so."

We stay like that for what seems like an hour. I finally stop crying and sit up with my knees against my chest. "What do I do?" I ask, looking at Oli.

He gives me a sad smile. "Only you can answer that, sweetie." He says."Maybe you should listen to his explanation. He owes you that at the very least."

I look down at the grass. "I don't understand how he could do this to me."

"Then ask him."

Gerard's P.O.V

I watch out of the kitchen window as Oli hugs Dee. She cries for so long that I just want to push Oli off and hug her myself. I'm such a fucking idiot. I need to sort this. I watch as Dee pulls away and looks at Oli with pleading eyes. Then she looks down at the grass. She looks so sad. Oli rubs her back then crouches infront of her. He lifts her chin and their eyes meet. He says something and she attempts to smile. He says something again. Dee just stares at him. Then she closes her eyes briefly, takes in a breath, then nods. Oli stands up, letting her lower her eyes to the grass again. He kisses her on the head, then heads towards me. He opens the door.

"You have ten minutes." He states. "I'll be in here. If she wants me to throw you out, I won't hesitate. Dee is my top priority here. Do you understand?"

I nod in agreement.

"Good. You hurt her again, I'll beat you to a pulp."

I walk past him and out to Dee. She hasn't moved. I sit next to her. I reach out to take her hand and she pulls away. "Don't touch me." She mutters, sadly. "Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay. If you want to go back to Lyn-z, I won't get in the way."

I freeze. Then shake my head. "No." I say."I don't want Lyn-z. I want you."

She looks at me with a blank expression. "Of course you do." She says through gritted teeth. "That's why you had Lyn-z on our bed, naked." She turns away again. "It's so obvious. Why didn't I see it?" She sounded really sarcastic. "I mean you hear about it all the time." She looked back at me, angrily. "Shag your ex to prove you want your present wife. Don't fucking insult me with that bull shit." She turns her head away again.

Fuck. "Dee, sweetheart." I want to touch her. But I know she won't let me."I was still asleep when Lyn-z came in. I woke up to her standing naked infront of me."

Dee's head snapped up to look at me. "So now your going to blame everything on her? What kind of fucking man are you?"

"The kind that would never cheat on his wife." I stated.

"I know what I saw."

"She's not to blame either."

"This is fucking pointless." She stood up and headed for the house.

I grabbed her arm and she spun round. "Lyn-z didn't know about us. She thought this was my home. Just my home. She didn't know I'd even been seeing you."

Dee shook her head. "The bull just keeps on coming with you, doesn't it?"

"I'm not lying, baby." I said, grabbing her hand. "Lyn-z has been on tour. She doesn't bother with the news because she's too tired after the gigs and being on the road. I promise you, I'm not lying."

"Let's just say I believe you." She mutters. "You two split over two years ago. So why would she try to sleep with you?"

"She wanted us to try again." I answered truthfully. "She freaked out after you left. She got dressed fast and even tried to get to you to explain."

Dee's P.O.V

I don't know what to think. Gerard looked like he was being honest. I don't know what to do. What if he's lying? What if I find out later that he's been sleeping with her all along? What if he's telling the truth and I don't stay with him and I find out too late? I move my hand out of his and run my fingers through my hair, turning away from him. I hook both my hands on my neck and tilt my head up. I'm so confused.

"Dee, baby?" Gerard said behind me.

Oli came out of the door. "Everything ok?" He asked, looking at me.

I've made my decision. "I'm fine, Oli." I say walking up to him. I kiss his cheek and hug him. "Thank you. We'll be ok now."

He smiles at me. "You sure?"

"Yes. Your a good friend." I say smiling at him. "We should have another party soon. A better one this time."

Oli smiles again. "Okay. I'll leave you to it then." He says, then leaves through the kitchen.

I turn back to Gerard. "I won't be taken for a fool." I start.

"I'm not. .." He says but I stop him.

"But I won't give up on our marriage." I sigh. "I love you, Gee. I can't throw that away." I walk over to him and put my arms around his neck. "From now on Lyn-z only comes in if she knocks and your dressed."

Gerard smiles. "Agreed." He leans down and kisses me.

Neither of us notice a pair of eyes watching us from the shadows.

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