Keep Running

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Dee's P.O.V

"You seriously tried to escape after last night?" Gavin snapped.

I shook my head. " I...."

He smirked as he shut and locked the door, not taking his eyes off of me. "Looks like I'm going to have to teach you another lesson."

He began to walk towards me, unfastening his trousers. I crawled up to the top of the bed, pulling my knees up to my chest. I put my hands over my ears. I need him distracted. Don't fail me guys. I scream as loud as I can.

"Get the fuck away from her." Gerard shouts from the phone when I stop.

Good one, Gerard. Gavin heard him and went to the source of the noise. He picks up the phone and puts it to his ear with a smirk."Let me guess, Dee's shag piece?" He barks down the phone. "Too late you fucking retard. She's mine and your not getting her back."

Nows my chance. He has his back to me as he hails abuse down the phone. I quietly move off the bed and grab the metal chair by the wall. It's hard with one hand but I manage to muster up the strength to raise it above my head and bring it down hard on the back of his head. The phone drops onto the bed as he crumbles to the floor. I grab the phone.

Me: "G...Gerard."

Gerard: "Oh god, sweetheart. Are you ok? There was a bang."

Me: "Y...yes. I...I hit h...him with a ch...chair."

Bob: "Go Dee. Whoop."

I climbed off the bed and balanced the phone between my right shoulder and ear. I carefully reached down and grabbed the keys out of Gavins pocket.

Ed: "You need to get out of there, Dee. Before he wakes. If he wakes"

I check for Gavins pulse.

Me: " p...pulse. keys. W...will wait o...out fr...front."

Ed: "Good girl. You listened well. Try to keep yourself awake. We have your location now. The trace worked thanks to your quick thinking. Your ten miles away. In a abandoned asylum. We're on our way. All of us. We're coming to get you. Stay on the phone."

I looked at the screen after opening the door and going into the hallway. One bar. Fuck. My energy is very low too. I am losing my sight slowly. I can't tell them that. I don't want to worry Gerard.

Me: "O...only"

Ed: "Fuck. Ok. Get out of there and get off the phone. Call back if something happens. If not, we'll see you very soon."

Me: "H...hurry. P...please."

Ed: "I promise you."

I end the call and search for the building's exit. After a lot of wrong turns, I eventually find it. I'm trying hard to stay upright now. My vision is blurry. I have to fight it. For Gerard. I will not give in. I will stay awake. I unlock the exit door and walk out just as I hear a bang and a shout. "Keep running, bitch. I'm going to fucking kill you this time."

Oh god. I have to move. Now. I run towards the trees close by. When I turn round I see him exiting the building. He sees me then raises his hand. He has a gun? Where did he get that? I turn and run into the treed area. A shot rings out and I feel a pain in my left side. Why is it that my left side is getting all the injuries? I put my right hand over the fresh gunshot wound and carry on running. He chases after me, firing the gun every now and then, missing me each time. I eventually come to a cliff. I stop and turn round. Panic sets in when Gavin walks out of the trees and aims the gun at me.

"Found you, bitch." He grins.

I try to inject normality into my voice. "Why have you done this to me?" It's hard but I bite back the pain. I have to fight this if I'm to see Gerard again. "Why would you do this to your own daughter?"

He laughs. "Your not my fucking daughter."

I frown at him. "What?"

"I guess your slut of a mother never told you did she?"

"Told me what? I don't understand. "

"The bitch cheated on me. Tried to pass you as my brat. But I had the test done behind her back. I know exactly who your dad is. It's fucking funny really. "He laughs again.

"Who...who is he?"

"You really don't know do you? It's..."

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