You Better Run Like The Devil

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Ray's P.O.V

"I'm going ahead."I say as we all headed to the club. "You lot are too slow and I'm freezing to death." I take off into a sprint with laughter following me and a "Pussy." From Bob.

I'm outside the club five minutes later when I hear a scream from inside. Dee. I open to door and rush in to see her scrunched up against the wall by her seating area. Her knees up, hands on ears and blood running from her nose and lip. Pete is heading towards her. I don't think I just run towards him and grab him by the shoulders and launch him across the room. He gets up and heads towards me. He raises his fist at me but is pulled back and punched to the ground by Bob. Then Bob's on him, pounding his face. It takes me, Frank and Gerard to pull Bob off. Dee had gone quiet. Paramores 'That's what you get' drowning out her sobbing.

"What the fuck happened? " Ste asks as the Stones walk in.

"He was gonna hit Ray." Bob said.

Pete bolts out of the club so everyone looks at me.

"Why?" Frank asks.

Suddenly I feel really angry. "That bastard..." Calm down, Ray.

"What, Ray?What happened?" Ste asks.

"The bastard hit Dee."

Gerard looked horrified and concerned. "Where is she? Fucking bastard. I'll fucking kill him."

I point to Dees seating area. Dee's hugging her legs. Eyes closed. Sobbing. Gerard runs towards her and drops to the floor beside her, taking her in his arms. He kisses her head and whispers to her.

"Thanks, Bob." I say, looking at him. "Don't know if I'd have been able to beat him. I owe you one."

He shook his head. "Nah. No fucker messes with the fro when I'm around."

Everyone starts patting mine and Bob's backs, thanking us.

Gerard's P.O.V

I hold Dee tightly. That bastard better steer clear. I'm not a fighter, but ...but what? What could I do? "I'm fucking useless. I can't even protect the woman I love. What kind of man does that make me?"

I didn't realise I'd said that out loud until Ste spoke up."Your not useless." He assured as he crouched down infront of us. "Dee doesn't need a fighter. She needs someone who can love her and protect her in other ways. Leave me and Bob to the fighting."

Arnie's P.O.V

That fucking Bob hit my brother. I'll fucking kill him. I head into the club with Pete in tow. They all look over at us. I stop in front of Bob. "Why the fuck did you hit my brother?"

Bob looked over at Pete with pure hatred. "That fucker tried to hit Ray after Ray threw him across the room."

I looked at Ray. "You threw him across the fucking room?"

Ray looked very angry as he stared at Pete. His fists clenched by his side. "That bastard hit Dee." He said gesturing to Dee on the floor by her seating area. She was in Gerards arms, blood running from her nose and mouth. I walked towards her. Ste stood up and stared at me. I looked round him at Dee. "Is that true, Dee?" I asked. She nodded in agreement. Not looking at me. I turned on my heel and walked towards Pete. I punched him and he fell to the floor, staring at me. "You don't ever raise a hand to Dee, you little fucker. "

Pete cowers on the floor. "But...but..."

"Get the fuck up and get your ass out of here." I say in disgust. "And you better run like the devil because if you come anywhere near Dee again, I'll kill you. I'm ashamed to call you my brother."

He doesn't move. He just stares at me in shock. So I grab his arms and push him towards the exit. "After everything she's done for us and you hit her. Get the fuck out of my sight before I finish what Bob started." Pete looked around one last time, then disappeared. I turned to look at the others. They were staring at me in shock. "Dee took us in when we had nothing." I explained. "She took us off the street, paid for boxing lessons that we always wanted, then gave us a job. She deserves our gratitude and loyalty."

Dee's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

29th October

I lay on the sofa in the club. My feet on the arm rest, the back of my head in Gerards lap as I stare up at him. His hand holding mine on my stomach as he stares back at me. Petes not been seen since that night. Arnie still works at the club. He's a good guy. I've just been helping sort the club's decoration for Halloween. I'm really tired now so I'm just relaxing with Gerard.

I smile at him. "I love you, Gee" I say.

He leans down and kisses me. "I love you too, sweetheart." He says then sits up, not taking his eyes off mine. I look down at our linked hands for a second. When I look back at him, I bite my lip. "Gee?"

"Yes, babe?"

I sigh. "We need to talk..."

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