Be Strong And Hold My Hand

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Gerard's P.O.V

We arrived at a very large building. It looked like it belonged in a horror movie. We all got out of the cars. Ed ran in front.

"She's not here." He shouted.

I began to panic. What if he took her away again? Then I notice another car close by. It wasn't one we came in. Must be his. So where is she?

"I will check the building with a few uniforms. The rest will stay out here with you lot. Do not come into the building."Ed ordered, Then headed inside with a gun in his hand and five uniformed policemen following him.

Bob and the others look at me. "She'll be okay, man" He says.

Frank steps forward. "She's a fighter."

I nod my head. "I know." I say. But I'm not convincing myself.

Ed emerges from the building twenty minutes later. He shakes his head. "Empty." He says to me. "There's a room that looks like it was recently used. There's signs of struggle. But no one is there." He rakes his hand through his hair. "All we can do now is check the area. Hopefully she will phone back. We can't phone her incase she's in a difficult situation. It could put her life at risk." He turns to the police behind him. He barks out orders to them and points in various directions. He goes quiet and spins round as my phone rings. All eyes on me again. I answer the phone and press loud speaker.

Me: "Dee?"

Dee: "Help. Hurry. I'm slipping."

I look at Ed in fear. He walks closer to me.

Ed: "Location, hon?"

Dee: "I w...went r...right. Ran into woods. C...came to cliff. I can't h...hold on m...much longer."

Everyone ran in the direction she said she headed.

Ed: "Just a little longer. We're on our way."

The phone went dead. After a few minutes we saw the sea. A cliff with a sheer drop to very sharp rocks loomed before us. We all looked over the edge. Ray shouted, "Over here."

We all ran towards him. Dee is on a very small ledge. It's crumbling below her feet. Her left arm is covered in blood. Seeping through her once white tshirt. There was blood running down her left side soaking her light blue pajama bottoms. She has no shoes on, or socks. Her right hand is gripping a branch above her. I can just make out her eyes drooping closed then springing back open. "Dee." I shout.

Her eyes spring back open and she looks at me."G...Gerard." She croaks out weakly.

The police strip off their jackets and begin tying them together at the sleeves. Once they are joined, one officer runs off back into the woods, one wraps one end of the jackets around himself. Ed lays down on the cliff top, peering over the edge and drops the other end of the coat chain towards Dee. She looks at the makeshift rope. "Grab it as best you can." Ed shouts. "Just incase the ledge or the branch breaks before Matt can get the rope to us."

Dee looks at her feet as she tries to position them safely while she grabs the jackets. When she's satisfied, she slowly let's go of the branch and quickly grabs the jackets. As she does, her right foot slips as the ledge crumbles. She screeches then moves her feet onto whats left of the ledge.

"Good girl."Ed says.

Two minutes later, the officer returned with the rope. He tied it round a tree and took the other end to Ed.

Ed tied it around his waist. Matt , the officer, grabbed his shoulder. "Be careful, Ed. One wrong move and your shark food."

Ed nodded at him."Don't give a crap. Dee's my only concern. As long as I get her back to safety, I'm good." He said as the three officers grabbed the rope taking his weight. Ed lowered himself over the edge. "I'm coming, Dee. Stay awake. Talk, honey."

Dee looked up at me. I was laid on the ground so I could see her. Bob and Mikey held my legs.

"Hey, baby."I said.

She tried a weak smile. "I'm....s...sorry, Gee."

I frowned. "For what, sweetheart?"

"Not st...stopping h...him." She closed her eyes as tears ran down her cheeks.

She's apologising for what that bastard did to her?

"Sweetheart, look at me." She leaned her head against the cliff face as she held back sobs.

"Dee? Look at me, baby, please."

She tilts her head to look at me.

"Don't ever apologise for what that bastard did to you. It wasn't your fault, babe. You are amazing, Dee. Your my amazing Dee."

Ed finally got to her. Thank fuck for that.

Ed's P.O.V

I smile as I finally reach her. I stroke a hair back from her face. "Hey, Dee. Ready to go?"

"I need to tell you something, Ed..."

"Let's get you to safety first. Be strong and hold my hand." I latch my arms round her and tug the coats and the rope. I take her weight as the rope begins to pull us up. The last of the ledge crumbles. Dee finally passes out on the way up.

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