Cause They're Never Gonna Leave You Alone

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Jeremy's P.O.V

I wonder what Dee has for me. I'm twenty nine today. Whatever she's got I'm gonna love it. Oli and Vic were trailing me. I'd asked them why and they said that I shouldn't be on my own on my birthday. Annoying twats.

"Knock then you prick." Oli said with a laugh.

I flipped him off then knocked on Dees door. The door pushed open as I knocked. I frowned as I looked at my escorts. Where's Dee and Gerard?

"That's weird." Vic said. "Where are they?"

"Vic, you check upstairs."Oli sprung into action. "Jez, you check the kitchen and I'll check to see if the cars in the garage."

I nodded then headed to the kitchen. It was empty but the back door was open. I headed out back. Suddenly I was blinded by lights as the garden lit up. "Surprise." I heard several people shout. I looked around as Dee approached me with Gerard close behind her.

"Happy Birthday," She said as she gave me a hug.

"How did you manage to keep Vic's mouth shut?" I asked grinning.

"Bribery." She said as she leaned back into Gerards arms. "I told him that if he spoke, I wouldn't let him use the pool any more. Seem as he likes swimming, he agreed."

"Hey." Vic shouted as he walked towards us. "I can keep a secret when I have to."

"Of course you can." Oli joined in.

"Leave him alone." Dee said, putting a hand on Vic's shoulder. "You bullies."

We all laughed as Vic made out to pout.

I watched as Dee turned in Gerards arms and kissed him. Wishing I was in Gerards place.

Amy's P.O.V

I watched as Jeremy, Oli and Brendon all watched Gerard kiss Dee. I know how they feel about her. I also know Dee and Gerard don't see it. I may have to keep an eye on them tonight. Especially Brendon who could spill everything if he drinks too much. He's a great guy. But drink made him forget things. Like the pact he made with Oli and Jez. So I intend sticking by him.

Chester's P.O.V

I smiled at Dee as she turned back around in Gerards arms. "Mind if I go up first?" I asked, gesturing towards the mics.

"Go for it. What you gonna sing?" Dee asked.

"I was thinking final masquerade and some others."

She smiled. "I love that one."

I smile back. "Final masquerade it is then." I head over to the mic.

Bob's P.O.V

I know how Oli feels about Dee. I can see it. She doesn't see it though. I intend keeping an eye on him for now. It doesn't look like he would ever make a move. But who knows? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Hayley and Taylor grabbed me.

"Dance with us."Hayley pleaded.

I tried to get away. "I don't dance."

"Come on, Bob."Taylor pleaded. "Don't be a party pooper."

Patrick laughed. "You'd be better off giving in."

"Too right." Pete joined in. "Cause they're never gonna leave you alone until you do."

I groaned but let them lead me to my humiliation.

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