Chapter 3 : Alone No More

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He's sitting straight in his stool as he listens to an old, greying woman complain about a rash that she has had for a few weeks. He's also listening to her drone on about her new kitten that she absolutely adores because she's never had one before. When he points out that there's a huge possibility that she is having an allergic reaction towards said kitten, the woman is adamant that "Oh no, young man. The kitten is the sweetest little thing."

If they would have told him in Med School that little old ladies have all the answers to medical problems, then he might not have gone through the hassle of getting his medical degree to help people that refuse to be helped. So instead of insisting that the woman allow them to do a skin prick test, he prescribes her an antihistamine cream that he tells her to put on as soon as the itching becomes bothersome.

She calls him sunny as he wishes her a good day and when Nurse Sana comes in to process the woman, Wonho is quick to leave the room. He rarely ever interacts with his patients on a personal level because he's never found it professional so he usually leaves it to the nurses to make sure things run smoothly. Because really, it's the nurses that run the place. Wonho only goes where he's needed, giving his examinations on more tricky evaluations and signing off on prescriptions.

Wonho passes by a few of the nurses who nod towards him in greeting and he gives them a nod back but that's it. It's the usual silent routine until--

"Saw that you're already done for the day," Shownu says as he slides up to him, his hand clasping Wonho's shoulder. "Aren't you a lucky one."

Wonho grins. "Depends on how you define lucky. I still have a bunch of paperwork to catch up on. Figured I stay and get it all done."

Shownu shakes his head in disbelief. "Man, I don't get how you do it. You are literally always here. Don't you get tired of seeing our ugly mugs?" he laughs out.

Wonho tries to laugh too but it comes out more like a huff of empty air than anything else. He doesn't need Shownu to point out how sad his life is, he already knows.

"And didn't you work through your lunch break?" Shownu asks further. It's like digging the knife just a bit deeper.

"I ate," Wonho shrugged. "Brought my own lunch."

Shownu stops them in the hallway that holds the private offices. His hand is clasped on Wonho's shoulder still and he has an expression in his brown eyes that looks really fucking close to pity . "No, Wonho" he says. "You need to get out of this building. Go get a coffee or something and then go home and enjoy a nice quiet night. Or better yet, go to a club, meet some people, get someone's number."

Wonho looks down at his feet, bristling at the thought. Going to a club to find someone has passed through his thoughts before but it's too loud and there's no intimacy in having drunk bodies trip into you at all hours or them shouting at whatever song is playing. A club is nice but... it's just not him and he's more uncomfortable than he would be willing to admit. Even if he were to go, he isn't the type of person to bound right up to a person and get their number. It's all-- no. He's more than eager to pass.

"I think I'm a bit too old to go to a club," he tries instead. The words are completely besides the point but Shownu won't know that.

"Wonho" Shownu says with an exaggerated huff. "You aren't even forty. Go."

Wonho rubs at the back of his neck, sighing. "I just... I think I'm gonna head home and catch up on some sleep."

Shownu deflates a bit and releases his hold on Wonho's shoulder. "Alright," he answers after a short moment. "That's probably a good idea since we all know how much you work. You'll have a nice long weekend too, considering it's not even one thirty yet."

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