Chapter 50 : Movie Night

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Wonho brings home a movie hoping that it will relieve some of the tension between them. It’s a long shot, just like every day has been since Wonho mentioned what Shownu had said, but Jooheon had mentioned the movie a few times and Wonho has finally picked it up, thinking that maybe it can be a truce of some sorts.

He doesn’t touch the thermostat and he actually pulls a spare blanket from the closet in the hall so that Jooheon won’t feel pressured into sharing like usual. They have movie nights about four times a week, and there’s only been a few times where him and Jooheon laid together on the same sectional piece, but usually they sit near one another, letting their thighs and knees touch. Tonight, however, Jooheon sits as far from Wonho that he can. The brunet has his body wrapped in the spare blanket Wonho brought in and at his sides, he’s stacked up the pillows that Wonho bought a few weeks back, towering so high that Wonho can only see the top of Jooheon’s head when he sits down on the couch against the wall with windows.

Wonho gets the message loud and clear.

If Jooheon needs his space, Wonho is more than willing to let the brunet simmer down. Afterall, Wonho does have the time for it.

The movie is a funny one and Jooheon laughs more than once at certain scenes that play out. Wonho laughs too, and when his laugh blends in with Jooheon’s, he figures it’s only a matter of time until things go back to normal. If things were really that bad, they would be having a very different night.

It’s the little things that Wonho pays attention to. Then again, perhaps they aren’t so little after all.

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