Chapter 56 : What's A Day......

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It’s a common practice to leave personal coffee mugs in the lounge room, where only the other doctors and nurses can enter through access from their ID badges. Most of the time Wonho just brings his thermal cup from home but today he hadn’t managed to grab it because he had gotten distracted when Jooheon had actually let his hand trail against Wonho’s arm when they bid their goodbyes. It was safe to say that Wonho’s brain all but misfired and somehow he had waltzed right out of the house without the damn thing, his mind rightfully somewhere else entirely.

Not that he cares. He’d take Jooheon initiating skin contact over coffee any goddamn day of the fucking week. In a heartbeat.

But Wonho is still a working man and sometimes he needs a little bit of a pick-me-up, which naturally comes in the form of a cup of fresh, black coffee so without his thermos, he’ll have to take the alternate option.

Getting one from the lounge room.

Wonho keeps his gaze ahead as he walks through the door, more than aware that some of the conversation from the nurses has died down tremendously as soon as he steps into the room. He immediately catches sight of Momo and Sana in his peripherals, sitting close at one of the tables, along with a handful of other individuals that have familiar faces but Wonho can’t recall their names even if his life were to depend on it. Then again, it’s not like he claims to be their friends, let alone anything less than strangers. It’s not like he’s going to stop and chat either. He just needs to get some coffee and then meander back to his office, away from all these people, these strangers that just happen to be colleagues.

Wonho nods his head in silent greeting as he passes them by and he gets more than a necessary amount of hellos and good mornings and how are yous in return. He doesn’t verbally reply back, but they should all know by now that a tight lipped smile is all they’re gonna get.

As he gets close to the set of counters that line the furthest wall in the room, he sees and smells the fresh pot of coffee and silently rejoices that he won’t have to wait around for a new brew. His hand goes straight for the cabinet that holds their mugs and he opens it up, quickly eyeing the porcelain cups for his own. Except… when Wonho scours the top shelf, then the bottom, and then has to reach up and push aside a few mugs that have overlapped ones in the back part of the cabinet, he frowns in confusion because he most certainly doesn’t see his.

He leaves the cabinet wide open and moves onto the one beside it, quickly going through the contents, but that one doesn’t possess the cup he’s looking for either. Neither does the next one over, or the one after that. Which… the mug is different enough that it can’t be missed-- silver to mimic metal, with imbedded grooves in the glass and a red star painted in the middle-- something that catches the eye. But the more Wonho looks, he still can’t find his damn cup-- Jooheon’s cup to be precise.

It’s the mug that Wonho had captured in more than a few dozen of his pictures, the one he had snapped of Jooheon holding through his curtainless windows during the mornings he gazed out onto the city, unaware of Wonho’s presence or the camera in Wonho’s hand. When he had gone into Jooheon’s apartment, the cup was one of the first things he had grabbed once Jooheon was knocked out and secured in the Jeep. He hadn’t taken it home, choosing to bring it to the lounge room instead so that he could have a piece of the brunet when he wasn’t nearby.

It had been the perfect setup.

That is until the cup apparently upped itself and vanished.

Wonho exhales deeply through his nose, laying his palms flat against the counter as his jaw clenches. He can feel the tension in his shoulders and along his spine, creeping up his neck as he forces himself to keep his cool. But how can he? The thought of something of Jooheon’s gone and taken right from under Wonho’s nose… it makes him more than irritated. It makes him downright livid.

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora