Chapter 20 : No

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“No, Jooheon.”

“I swear I wouldn’t say anything to the police. Or anyone. You let me go and we would never have to see each other again,” Jooheon says, picking his head up from his knees and looking at Wonho across the kitchen.

Wonho keeps chopping away at the array of vegetables that he has spread out evenly across his fancy cutting board. There’s a sharp, silver knife in his hands and his knuckles are pale white with the force he holds onto it with. Jooheon can only wonder if Wonho’s holding it that tight in fear that Jooheon may leap up and try to fight for it, or if Wonho is just uncomfortable with the conversation.

Either way, Wonho is silent for a long time-- long enough that Jooheon counts the wooden lines, curves, and knots on top of Wonho’s dining table. He recounts them and traces the figures with the pads of his fingers, waiting.

Then, Wonho turns to look at him from over his shoulder. “I believe you Jooheon,” Wonho finally answers. His wide shoulders deflate as he exhales a heavy sigh. “But that’s the problem. I don’t want there to be a day when I don't see you.”

Jooheon could say something back. He thinks he wants to, but he also thinks he could scream. And he could fight. He could say how fucking ridiculous that is, how Wonho doesn’t know the first fucking clue about him.

But he doesn’t.

It’s useless to, because everything that he says to Wonho just goes in one ear and out the other. Over and over again like the words Jooheon speaks has no meaning.

Jooheon lowers his forehead back onto his knees and doesn’t bother saying another thing. Afterall, it’s not as if Wonho would actually listen.  

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz