Chapter 14 : No Way Out

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Jooheon sits motionless on the bed, watching as Wonho walks around the room getting ready for work. The blonde hadn’t changed in front of Jooheon but the top two buttons of Wonho’s shirt are undone and he’s aimlessly shuffling through the closest looking for something that Jooheon doesn’t know.

They haven’t spoken to each other since Wonho took away the breakfast tray but the unspoken promise is floating between them, practically screaming for attention. Jooheon doesn’t dare mention it partly because he still doesn’t think Wonho is going to release the restraints and well, he’s scared shitless that the blonde will drive another needle into his neck if he says the wrong thing. And if there is one thing that Jooheon does know, it’s that he doesn’t want to go back under whatever the hell that drug is that Wonho keeps forcing on him. He knows he has lost so much time and yeah he could try asking Wonho just what day it is but truthfully, he’s scared. Jooheon wants to fool himself into believing that he’s only been here for a few hours but he can feel it in his bones that it’s been more like days instead. God forbid it actually being weeks.

He swallows down his train of thought, forcing himself to leave it before he crumples beneath the unbearable weight of dread that has seeped through his veins. If Wonho is actually going to stick to his word, then Jooheon needs to keep his mind clear and ready. So he focuses.

There is soft oldie music drifting through the room from a small speaker on the dresser and Wonho is humming beneath his breath, the noise deep and almost vibrating against Jooheon’s raw skin. The tune sounds like something from the forties and it may not be what Jooheon is accustomed to but it beats the silence and it sure as hell outweighs having to listen to the painfully awkward attempts of conversation that Wonho usually shoots his way.

Jooheon tilts his jaw up higher as Wonho turns back around, a hanger in his hand with a navy suit jacket in tow. He’s silent as Wonho slips it on and holds his breath when those dark brown eyes train on him, sharp and unmoving. Then, Wonho is stepping towards the bed, coming closer to Jooheon. Again.

When Wonho sits down next to him, Jooheon doesn’t move. It’s not like he can go far and it’s as if his brain finally understands that, like his mind has given up before he even knew it. The man is large and so invasive that it’s hard to ignore him even when Jooheon is looking everywhere except at Wonho . He can feel him though; feel his warmth, and his eyes.

Suddenly Jooheon is jerked from his thoughts when Wonho begins to reach towards the restraint on his left wrist. Jooheon doesn’t bother looking at the blonde and instead, his gaze shoots right to his restrained hand. He had seen the bruising that leaked down his left forearm like a paint splatters of red and purple pain, something straight out of a horror movie but nothing prepares him for the sight of his wrist when Wonho pulls away and takes the binding with him. Jooheon stares at his limb like he’s never seen it before, because he hasn’t, not when it looked a mess like that. The skin is mottled in dark purples and reds, even sickly shades of green that are contrasted boldly against his pale skin. It looks... Jooheon pulls his attention away with a hard swallow and quickly brings his wrist down towards the rest of his body.

But before Jooheon can process what’s happening, he’s painfully hissing through his teeth. Wonho’s hand had shot out and gripped like a vise onto his bruised forearm.

“ Don't.”

Jooheon froze at the tone.

He stilled in Wonho’s grasp, eyes blown wide at the growled warning. He feels like a deer caught in headlights as he looks at Wonho, the blonde looking right back at him just as strong. Stronger. Jooheon’s heart pounds in his chest and he can physically feel every beat jump against his rib cage like the drum of a war cry.

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