Chapter 15 : Chaos

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Wonho is incredibly quick to close the door behind him as he enters his house. He had taken extra care in being quiet as he approached the house, not doubting that Jooheon would try and escape.

But as he enters into the house, it’s quiet. Almost eerily so, that if he didn’t know any better, he would have assumed that Jooheon was sedated in the bed upstairs and knocked out cold. Of course he knows that isn’t the case, and as Wonho steps further into the house, he’s wound up tight and ready for an attack that he knows has been waiting for him all day. He listens carefully for any movement or sounds but everything is silent enough that all he can hear is the soft tap of his shoes against the wooden floor of his hallway.

Without looking away from the space where the hall leads into the rest of the house, Wonho approaches the small safe he imbedded in the wall by the front door and types in his code before the small door pops open with a click . He throws his keys and wallet in before sliding it shut and cautiously stepping towards the right side of the hall, towards the living room and kitchen.

He rounds the corner sharply to avoid a surprise attack but as his gaze settles on the scene in front of him, his body relaxes.

The living room is in chaos . The long piece of the sectional couch is pushed all the way to the side, the coffee table is upturned, everything that was on it is in a messy heap on the floor, and there’s large chunks of wooden splinters everywhere Wonho can see. Then, right in the middle of it all, is Jooheon , crumpled in on himself on the cold ground and passed out.

Wonho turns his head towards the island counters in the kitchen and eyes the missing stools that had been there that morning. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that Jooheon had smashed them against the windows trying to get out. Wonho gives the young man credit considering everything that could do potential damage is locked away in an old shed outside, so really the stools were one of Jooheon’s better options.

The kitchen isn’t really in a much better shape either compared to the living room. Every drawer and cabinet is pulled wide open, and there’s cooking utensils thrown out across the floor along with various pots and pans. If Jooheon was looking for a knife those too are stored in the safe on the wall, purposefully hidden from Jooheon for moments like this.

With his hands on his hips, Wonho sighs quietly as he regards the mess, knowing he’ll have to clean it all up sooner rather than later. But at least it can wait for the time being, so instead, he closes the distance between him and the brunet, walking silently into the living room.

As he approaches Jooheon, Wonho squats down on his haunches and reaches his hand out to check the pulse at Jooheon’s neck. It’s slow but it’s consistent and not something that concerns Wonho. He knew that Jooheon would be worn out. After being pumped with drugs for days on end, it is no surprise that it’s all taken its toll on Jooheon. Honestly it was everything short of a miracle that the young man had had enough energy to do the mess that he did, instead of sleeping for hours on end.

He doesn’t know exactly how long Jooheon has been out but since the brunet is still dead asleep despite Wonho touching him, he knows it couldn’t have been long otherwise Jooheon would have jolted at the first second of touch. It’s still pretty early in the afternoon, just past five, but by the looks of it Jooheon is out for the rest of the day as his body desperately tries to catch up to the misuse it’s been given over the past week. Wonho figures that he can clean up in the meantime, at least he’ll have something to do. Sure he had pictured their first full day together a bit… differently but he’d get it eventually.

Wonho reaches down and gently hooks one arm under Jooheon’s neck, the other going beneath Jooheon’s knees. The younger man is easy to hoist up in his arms and Wonho gets a flash to the day he brought Jooheon in, just the same way. It feels like so much time has passed between them yet at the same time, it feels just like yesterday was the day he finally got his hands on the brunet and brought him home.

It’s crazy how that can happen, simultaneously blending together the hands of a time like that.

When Wonho stands straight up, the motion jostles Jooheon slightly and he stirs in Wonho’s hands. Jooheon’s eyelids begin to flutter and he tries to push himself up but Wonho holds him close to his chest and brings the brunet’s head up to the crook of his neck.

“It’s okay,” he whispers into Jooheon’s hair. “Just stay asleep. Your body needs it, Jooheon.”

Jooheon is so worn out that he isn’t conscious enough to make the decision to fight against him, just slumps back into Wonho’s arm like deadweight. Wonho holds him just a bit tighter, so close that Jooheon’s breath is warm on his neck.

Wonho relishes in the feel as he turns towards the steps, carefully and gently taking Jooheon to bed-- their bed. God, how that makes Wonho smile like the love-struck fool he is. 

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt