Chapter 55 : The Locked Room

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Honestly, it’s a damn miracle that he’s able to fly through his chapters as easily as he is. It almost makes him second guess himself, like perhaps his words are complete and utter shit, but everytime he reads them, then re-reads them, it gives him life to see everything unfold before him, how it all just lines up so well.

He wants to blame the lack of distractions that Wonho’s house provides, but realistically speaking, he has everything there that he would at home, just minus his phone and the endless amount of distractions that came attached to. It might be a far fetched thing to say, but perhaps it was a good thing that Wonho took his phone away. Maybe someone should have taken his phone away a long, long time ago and he wouldn’t be in such a rush to finish all the time.

But as he finishes typing up his last sentence of chapter thirteen, he grins to himself as he leaves the page with a cliffhanger. It makes him eager to start up the next section, but he had promised himself that he would take a break once he finished the chapter that he’d been working on for the past few days. It’s an action scene so it’s taken a bit more pumping of his creative juices, and a lot more coffee, but it’s done and he’s happy, and now he gets to relax.

He still has a few hours until Wonho comes home, so he waltzes up to the cabinets, pulls out a pack of organic chocolate covered pretzels that Wonho has gotten him hooked on, and snags his cup of coffee off the table before he glides towards the living room. He doesn’t eat on the couch, because only imbeciles do that, and instead, slides himself down onto the floor, placing his snack and drink on the end of the coffee table that isn’t covered with the puzzle pieces he’s now half-way done assembling.

Jooheon turns on the tv, putting on some good National Geographic so that he can look at the cute little monkeys scurry across the screen while he switches between finding puzzle pieces and stuffing his face with the pretzels. He sits long enough to get three commercial breaks through his nature program before he starts to register the slight chill in the air. He knows he would have noticed it sooner if he hadn’t had his coffee but it’s gone cold so now nothing is actually warming up his body from the inside.

Jooheon debates grabbing the blanket off the couch but he figures it will be a hassle since he still wants to use his hands, so he settles on going upstairs to get a sweater instead. He walks into the closet and pulls off a dark green sweater from one of the hangers before quickly throwing it over his body. It’s one of Wonho’s so it’s practically engulfing him, and he has to roll up the sleeves a few times until he finds his hands.

Satisfied, Jooheon turns and walks right back out of the closet, then strides across the bedroom, until he makes it out into the hall. Normally he would glide right back down the steps, but as his gaze catches the door that’s across the hall from the bedroom, he pauses.

Jooheon bites the inside of his cheek as he stares at it. In all his time of being here, he’s never seen Wonho go into that room, let alone open the door. It’s been locked and hidden away, and although Jooheon has thought to ask Wonho about it on multiple occasions, he’s somehow always forgets to bring it up.

But lately, it’s been capturing more of his curiosity. Mainly because it confuses him. It’s the only room in the entire house that is locked. Which, considering how the other bedrooms are unlocked, it makes him wonder what Wonho could possibly be hiding behind the door.

Even though he knows it won’t open, Jooheon reaches out and tries to twist the doorknob anyways. But, like always, it doesn’t budge.

Not an inch.

Jooheon sighs and walks away, looking back over his shoulder just once before he steps back down the stairs.

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now