Chapter 32 : Routine

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They have a routine, practically set in stone with how methodical Wonho is with everything they do.

Wonho wakes up at a certain time; showers and gets dressed for the day before he cooks breakfast and then chooses to wake him up. Jooheon wonders how Wonho does it considering he never hears an alarm in the morning and he knows damn well that he would most certainly hear one going off instead of sleep through it.

It’s even stranger that once Jooheon hits the bed, he’s out. He doesn’t want to admit that the bed is more comfortable than anything he’s ever been on before-- with Wonho’s mountain of pillows and the nest of sheets and comforters that he keeps draped across the mattress-- but it’s like sleeping on a fucking cloud and yeah, he supposes he always tires himself out through the day so naturally his body decides to shut down once he hits the pillows. But still… not once does he wake up during the night to so much as shift on his side.

It’s stress , he knows it. It’s eating his body right up, draining him of everything he has.

Which is why he isn’t entirely surprised when one morning, instead of handing over his usual cup of coffee or juice, Wonho slides a neat container across the counter with several different colored tablets.

Jooheon eyes them warily as Wonho turns towards the sink and twists the faucet on to fill up a glass cup with water.

When the blond turns back around and sees Jooheon’s expression, he makes a sound that’s somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. “Don’t you think it would be a bit pointless to poison you now?” he asked with a faint smile playing at his lips.

Jooheon snaps his attention up to Wonho, dark brown clashing against light brown. “You kidnapped me,” he deadpans. “It wouldn’t be pointless at all.” Because had he ever heard of people getting kidnapped and being taken care of? No. Usually those people ended up dead in a ditch or in a shallow grave out in the middle of nowhere. Then again, maybe those people were being locked away just like he was so no one knew about them., no one knew to be concerned.

Wonho makes the sound again and slides the glass right next to the container. He’s looking down at the various little pills and Jooheon follows the movement as the blonde’s fingers trace the outside of the container.

“I’m a bit too… attached to you,” Wonho says after a short while. When he looks towards Jooheon, Jooheon is almost thrown with how much emotion is burning in those brown eyes of Wonho’s. He wants to fool himself into believing that he doesn’t know what that emotion is but deep down he knows-- he knows and it scares him shitless.

“They’re just vitamins, Jooheon.”

Jooheon reaches out and uses his pointer finger and thumb on his right hand to pluck one of the pills from the container. It’s in the shape of an oval and tan and when Jooheon flips it over there’s no markings that give away it’s identity. Even if there were, he wouldn’t know what they meant nor what their purpose would be for.

He tips his head back and pops the pill into his mouth before he reaches out and brings the glass up to his lips, swallowing down the tablet in one go.

When he straightens back up, he meets Wonho’s gaze. “And you’re just my kidnapper.” he says in return.

Wonho doesn’t say anything back. He silently watches as Jooheon swallows down each pill until there’s none left in the container and the glass cup is emptied.  

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now