Chapter 52 : It's All Make Sense

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It’s warm in the house.

More importantly though, it’s comfortable.

Because despite having on a pair of grey fuzzy socks that Wonho gave him, and a pair of soft sweatpants and a long-sleeve sweatshirt, the weather outside is cold and wet enough that Jooheon can actually feel it if he gets too close to the windows.

A cold front had come in earlier in the week and Wonho had made a point in stocking up for the upcoming winter season, which ultimately resulted in the blond buying Jooheon every article of clothing either coated in chenniel or fur or some thermal material that Wonho was adamant about maintaining proper blood flow. At first Jooheon wanted to complain and say how unnecessary all of that really was, that he didn’t really need it, but heck, the second he touched one of the fuzzy socks, he was a complete goner.

Wonho must have taken note too, because coincidentally, the next day he came home from work he had an entire bag full of them and had grinned like a madman when he handed them over. Now they’re all stowed away in one of the drawer’s of the dresser than Wonho has deemed the ‘soft pile’ and he hasn’t not worn a pair since Wonho gave them to him.

He wants to blame the weather, or maybe even the socks themselves for being so damn cozy, but deep down, he knows he likes them so much because Wonho had gifted them to him. Which, he knows that sounds crazy but the gifts were small, probably cheap too, yet still, the thought was there and there is no denying that there was affection behind Wonho’s actions.

Then again, there’s always affection behind anything that Wonho does. The amount of attention and thought that Wonho puts into taking care of him isn’t something that Jooheon can ignore. How can he when no one else has ever gone that far and beyond for him? All of Jooheon’s past flings were nothing in regards to how Wonho treats him… not considering the first month, obviously. So now that Jooheon has the attention and affection, he almost doesn’t remember life without it.

He tries to remember what it was like to wake up in an empty bed, or how he had to go make all of his own food and coffee, or how no one really cared if he wasn’t feeling all that well, or if he felt lonely on more days than not. He tries to remember, truly he does, but it all feels so far away and so long ago that it seems like it’s from a different lifetime-- a lifetime that Jooheon no longer recognizes.

A life without Wonho.

When he tries to remember it all, he sees Wonho instead because Wonho is there now.

Lee Hoseok aka Wonho , to be exact. Born March 1st, 19XX, making him thirty-three years old, ten years older than Jooheon himself.

Jooheon holds Wonho’s driver’s license with his thumbs and index fingers, holding it up so that he can read every single little detail. He’s sitting on the floor in the living room, propping his elbows up on the coffee table as he inspects the small, hard plastic card. The news is on, talking more about the cold front and how it’s only going to get worse for the rest of the week, but Jooheon hardly catches any words the weatherman actually says. Instead, he quietly hums along with the song that Wonho has playing in the kitchen as he cooks up dinner. The song is something old, almost jazzy, and Jooheon can’t help but bop his knee along with the rhythm as he continues to go through Wonho’s wallet.

He doesn’t know why he snatched it up. One second he had been taking a steaming mug of tea from Wonho, then the next, he saw the brown leather square and just didn’t think twice. He had plucked it off the counter knowing damn well Wonho was watching and as he held it in his hand, waiting for Wonho to snatch it back, the blond just rolled his eyes playfully and said ‘go ahead’.

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now