Chapter 25 : Stubbornness

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It's a quiet night, one that's filled with the sound of their forks clinking against their plates and pretty much nothing else.

Also known as a typical, normal night for the two. Much to Wonho's displeasure which is probably all that Jooheon wants. Because that's all the brunet does; frown at him from across the table if he actually dares glance in Wonho's direction. If he does, it's usually less than a second before Jooheon bites down on his jaw and turns away, Wonho all but forgotten.

Wonho still tries to engage conversation because Jooheon yelling at him is better than him ignoring him completely. He almost wishes for those days when Jooheon would scream so hard until his voice cracked and fizzled out. Anything would be better than the silence and isolation Jooheon forces between them.

When they're done Jooheon makes a bee-line for the couch and Wonho says nothing as he goes, just silently picks up their plates and starts to gather them in the sink, letting the water run on high to drown out the silence.

Jooheon never willingly turns on the tv, or anything really, just sits in his spot and locks his arms around his legs as if he's setting up his barricade to keep Wonho away. Jooheon may pretend not to be paying Wonho any mind but Wonho knows better, and there's no doubt in his mind that Jooheon tracks his every move, his every breath.

"I picked up a new movie," Wonho talks over the rushing water, turning his head to the left to glance over the counters into the living room. "Wanna watch it tonight?"

Wonho gives it a few seconds, hoping that Jooheon will finally speak, but he doesn't and Wonho is only met with that damn silence that has quickly become the number one thing he despises. It takes every ounce of control not to pounce over the counter, grab Jooheon by the shoulders and shake the stubbornness from him. Instead, Wonho turns back to the sink and bites the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from sighing aloud and doing anything just as damaging.

He just can't take any of it anymore.

After everything he's gone through, after everything he's done for Jooheon, this silence and absolute refusal to even look in his direction on Jooheon's behalf, fucking stings. Jooheon's actions hurt Wonho more than any words he's screamed, more than any hits Jooheon has landed on him. The part that hurts more than anything is that Jooheon acts like Wonho is the worst person on the goddamn planet and Wonho is far from any of those. If Jooheon were to just give him the chance to prove himself then the brunet could see how wrong he is and how ready Wonho is for this-- them-- to be a good thing. Wonho is no saint, far from it, but he has the best intentions in all of this-- there's a reason for the things that he has does, why he keeps Jooheon here with him.

He just needs to show Jooheon. Force it on him, if he has to.

Wonho switches the water off and backs away, drying his hands on the towel nearby. The cogs in his head are turning a mile a minute, thinking on what to do, but as his eyes catch sight of the dvd case on the counter, it all clicks into place. It'll be a long shot but he's desperate at this point and if he has to be the one to initiate contact, then he has no problems doing so. Jooheon already hates him so it's not like he has more to lose.

Wonho nods his head to himself as he makes his decision.

He glances towards Jooheon before he shoots towards the direction of the stairs with the false intention of going to get changed into night clothes. However, instead of immediately dashing up the steps, Wonho disappears further into the hallway and stops in front of the thermostat that controls the air conditioning and heating of the house. It's usually set at a comforting degree that isn't too hot not too cold but tonight, Wonho doesn't need comfort. With a quick turn of his wrist, Wonho lowers the temperature down to sixty degrees fahrenheit and then turns away as if he'd never been there. As quietly as he can, he takes to the stairs and slips into the bedroom where he changes into a thick pair of sweatpants and soft tee. He darts back down the stairs knowing he has to act fast because the obvious change of temperature won't take Jooheon long to take notice since the thin material of his pajama pants and shirt won't bode well against the chill.

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang