Chapter 47 : Grateful

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The next morning, Jooheon wakes up to the gentle feeling of Wonho brushing the hair out of his face. When he rubs at his eyes sleepily, yawning, he’s more than aware that Wonho’s fingers keep moving in his hair. It feels good, making him feel like he should turn back into the pillows and sleep for a few more hours but then Wonho shifts and suddenly, Jooheon smells the glorious fumes of freshly brewed coffee.

He cracks his eyes open, blinking at the sunlight trickling in through the windows, and looks up to see Wonho smiling down at him, the cup of coffee in his hand being wafted towards Jooheon.

Jooheon sits up, letting his back press against the headboard as he reaches to take the cup from Wonho’s hand. He breathes in the fumes as he eyes Wonho at his side, seeing Wonho all dressed up and groomed for work.

“Breakfast is on the table,” Wonho says just as he lowers himself down onto the edge of the bed. His gaze is trained on Jooheon like always, watching his every move, but instead of sitting there with his hands in his lap, Wonho reaches out and pats Jooheon’s knee, letting his hand sit there instead. “And I think you will like to hear that your laptop is too.”

Jooheon’s gaze finds Wonho instantly, his surprise more than likely showing. He doesn’t know what to say or do, even though if Wonho were anyone else he knows that he would have flung his arms around Wonho’s neck and given him the biggest, tightest hug that he could. Instead, he bites at his lips as a smile threatens to emerge and he hides behind the cup to block Wonho’s view.

But Wonho is being considerate and there’s no real reason that the blond should have given Jooheon access to his laptop again, yet Wonho had obliged. And Jooheon needs to show his appreciation because he’s grateful, more than he could possibly describe.

“Thank you, Wonho,” he says, pulling his coffee cup down a fraction of an inch so that Wonho can hear him clearly. Wonho’s smile stretches and soon, he bids Jooheon goodbye, promising that he’ll be home soon.

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now