Chapter 69 : Jealousy

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Since his mom died, Christmas has been... empty. 

Mostly lonely though. So incredibly lonely that Wonho actually volunteered for the holiday shifts at the hospital while everyone else traveled to their loved ones. The times that he did somehow get assigned off, which he had a strong hunch was because of Shownu, he would fix himself in front of the couch and watch reruns on the Hallmark channel as he nursed a strong glass of Scotch, trying to drown everything away. 

But this year is different. He had reserved off at the hospital over two months ago and sure, for the first time in a long damn time he’s put up a tree and he’s hung up some Christmas lights but none of that is what actually makes Christmas Christmas . After being so used to spending the holiday with nothing eventful and no one to spend it with, Wonho can’t help but look down at Jooheon, soaking every detail of him in. 

They’re on their bed and Wonho’s back is pressed up against the headboard while Jooheon sits in the gap between his thighs, Jooheon’s back flush against his chest as Wonho’s arms pull him close. They haven’t actually made it out of the bedroom yet because it’s Christmas morning and Jooheon was adamant that he calls his family. So Wonho had abid by Jooheon’s wishes and even though he had felt the urge to go and prepare breakfast, he stayed and listened to every word, categorizing the two voices that drifted through the phone-- Jisoo, and the mother of the Lee siblings. 

Jooheon’s wrapped up in one of Wonho’s sweaters (forest green because they’re being festive) and even though his head is nestled on Wonho’s clavicle, Jooheon’s gaze is trained downward on the phone in his hand. Not on Wonho. 

Initially, Wonho felt that it was only right that Jooheon was able to call Jisoo and his mom on Christmas day but that was over half an hour ago and now, the longer and longer that Jooheon is talking to them, it feels like the brunet is also being pulled away from him. Wonho’s jaw tightens when Jooheon suddenly chuckles at something his sister says and it’s so damn overwhelming how tight his chest gets, feeling the jealousy rage inside of himself. 

This is why he didn’t let Jooheon have the phone. Not because he was some psychopath and wanted nothing more than to estrange Jooheon away from the world. Rather, he wanted to have Jooheon to himself, sharing the younger man with no one else. It just happened that in order to actually do that, Wonho had to cut him off and lock him away. 

But today is Christmas and it’s their first one together and even though Wonho is allowing the phone call out of respect and nothing more, he finds it starting to tug on his patience. There’s just something about seeing the way Jooheon’s mouth curves up and how his eyes brighten when his mom jumps into the conversation, that makes Wonho feel like he’s losing Jooheon and he can’t deal with it.

Wonho releases his right arm from Jooheon’s waist and uses it to reach up and tilt Jooheon’s head back. He brushes away the hair that has fallen in front of the younger man’s eyes and leans forward to press a kiss to the shell of his ear. “We need to go eat,” he whispers, letting his lips linger. The arm that is still around the man between his legs goes to wrap around Jooheon’s wrist, letting his fingers brush against the phone. “Say goodbye, Jooheon.”

He isn’t blind to the way Jooheon’s eyes shutter in defeat. Wonho isn’t going to lie and say that it doesn’t hurt to see Jooheon shut off like that but he’s got no choice here. He isn’t going to just sit there and let them continue to take Jooheon away. They’ve had enough time with him-- years and years where Wonho wasn’t even a thought in Jooheon’s mind. That hurts much worse than any concern for Jooheon’s relationship with his family.

They’ve had their turn, and now it’s Wonho’s. 

He sits there patiently as Jooheon begins to say his goodbye, all the while his fingers stroke into Jooheon’s skull, holding him close. It’s with Jooheon in his arms that Wonho realizes just how different this Christmas is and how right then and there, all of the others seem worth it if he gets to spend the rest of his years like this instead. 

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