Chapter 66 : Green Light

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His eyes are skimming the screen in front of him, using the mouse to drag the next page down, then the next. He isn’t reading everything word for word, nor connecting sentence to sentence; he’s just checking it. 

Jooheon is silently sitting in the chair at the table as Wonho towers above him, reading over his shoulder as the brunet sits and waits. Wonho is leaned down far enough that they’re eye level and his arms cage Jooheon in as they rest on both sides of the brunet, pressing down onto the table. 

They’ve done this before. Plenty of times, but today is the last time Wonho will have to read through Jooheon’s work because Jooheon is finally done. He finished his book. Jooheon had typed the closing section of the very last chapter an hour back and the last step before he sends it off to his publisher, P.O, is for Wonho to give the green light. 

So Wonho is checking. 

Just like with every chapter beforehand, Wonho is looking for anything that doesn’t belong. He looks for Jooheon’s cry of help, or anything that would raise alarm at something being wrong with the younger man, but just as Wonho finishes the last page, he smiles, and reaches a hand up to brush through Jooheon’s hair as he presses a kiss to the top of his skull. 

Because Jooheon’s book is finished and there isn’t a single thing in there that is a message for P.O to come running in and taking Jooheon away.  

“I’m so proud of you, Jooheon,” he smiles down at the brunet and quickly kisses him again, this time at the junction of Jooheon’s jaw. 

Jooheon’s body eases beneath Wonho’s as he exhales deeply, and when Wonho moves to look into his face, he sees a breathtaking smile has found its way onto Jooheon’s lips. 

“Thanks, Wonho.” 

“You wanna send it now or later?”

Jooheon cranes his neck to look upward, meeting Wonho’s gaze. “Now, please.”

Wonho smiles again and nods toward the laptop screen. “Go ahead.” He watches as Jooheon compiles the email to P.O and he watches as it gets sent away. 

From there, Wonho reaches down and pulls Jooheon away because after all, he doesn’t need the laptop anymore. 

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora