Chapter 21 : It's Not Enough

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“You know your plan won’t work forever.”

Wonho looks up at that and his brows scrunch in confusion as he turns towards Jooheon, who’s sitting on the opposite end of the couch. Wonho had been reading one of Jooheon's books and although Jooheon couldn’t care less about Wonho's opinion, it’s been gnawing at his insides since he took a peak at the cover and read those all to familiar words. Since then, he had been resolute on not paying the blond any attention and kept his stare focused on the tv screen as it displayed the news. Jooheon tried to ignore him, truly he did, but everytime Wonho turned the page it ate at him that much more until he just couldn't anymore.

“And what plan would you be referring to?”

Jooheon scoffed. For Wonho thinking he was so fucking smart, he sure did act like he was pretty fucking stupid too.

“My family is going to find out eventually, so are my friends. They’ll realize that something doesn’t add up and then they’ll start looking for me and find that I’m nowhere to be seen,” Jooheon clips out. “I’m not the kind of person to go awol and they need--”

“You don’t need to worry about it,” Wonho interrupts him. “I’ll take care of it, Jooheon.”

Wonho has the audacity to give him a nod of reassurement and goes back to the book with not a care in the world. He had spoken so easily and so calmly and Jooheon… Jooheon’s at a loss of what to do. His lips part, ready to spew his argument, but the words die in his throat, getting choked off by the sudden onslaught of feelings that pounce on him. There’s a tightness in his chest as if his lungs are constricting on themselves and he can feel the slight pressure behind his eyes, can see the tears that are stuck in his sockets as his vision begins to blur.

He won’t give Wonho the satisfaction of seeing him cry, not anymore. Jooheon forces his head forward again, clamps down on his jaw to keep his chin from wobbling. He tightly clasps his hands together and tries to ignore how badly they shake.

His fingernails cut into his palms yet still, it’s not enough.

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now