Chapter 31 : Firework

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Wonho places the steaming cup of coffee in front of Jooheon and watches as the young man brightens up, the sleepiness in his eyes turning more focused. This time of the day is always Wonho’s favorite, getting to watch up close and personal as Jooheon’s body blooms to life. He’s downright adorable in the mornings with his yawns and soft mewls and the sight of the brunet wrapping his hands around the mug always makes Wonho’s chest tighten in affection.

It isn’t until they’re both sitting down at the table with their breakfast that Wonho gets an alert on his phone, a reminder that has been pre-programmed into his phones for years now. From across the table, Jooheon’s gaze shoots to the noise as Wonho dismisses it with a swipe of his finger.

Wonho pulls the phone off of the table and shoves it into his pocket before he picks his head back up and looks towards Jooheon. “Do you like fireworks?”

Jooheon slowly lowers his fork and Wonho can see the way he bites into his cheek. His dark brows are furrowed slightly, showing his confusion. “Fireworks?” Jooheon repeats.

Wonho nods. “It’s the fourth of July.” Jooheon’s gaze drops and his eyes quickly dart along the surface of the table like he’s thinking real hard. And then it hits him. He realizes that Jooheon hasn’t had a proper way of keeping track of the day. Jooheon isn’t concerned about it being a holiday, he’s in shock that it’s fucking July .

Wonho makes the decision right then and there that tomorrow morning the first thing he’s gonna do is go buy a calendar. He thinks that Jooheon would appreciate it.

“Are we going to the parade?”

Jooheon’s voice makes Wonho’s eyes widen in surprise. It’s rare to never that the brunet actually pushes for conversation so naturally, Wonho’s more than ready to jump on it. There’s a rush of excitement that flushes through him, making his spine tingle.

“No,” he answers, nodding towards the living room instead. “On the tv. I like to watch them live from the capitol.”

Jooheon leans back further into his chair. It’s common by now that the younger man likes to pick his legs up and press his knees into his chest but there’s a look on his face that Wonho isn’t accustomed to.

“W-why not watch them outside?” Jooheon presses on.

Wonho shrugs, “There’s no one close enough that pops fireworks and you can’t see the ones in the city from here, we’re too far.”

Jooheon silently nods but his fingers pick at the fabric covering his knees. Wonho wants nothing more than to reach across the table and pick those hands up, wrap his fingers tight around Jooheon’s and bring them to his lips. But he doesn’t.

“Did you like them?” he asks instead, picking up his fork and swallowing a mouthful of omelette.

This time, it’s Jooheon who shrugs. He hasn’t moved to start eating again but his eyes are watching Wonho, following his every move.

“The idea of celebrating freedom seems a bit ironic right now, don’t you think?”

Wonho glances across the table and meets Jooheon’s gaze head on. He’s no fool and can hear the acquisition hidden beneath Jooheon’s words.

“I think it’s better to think of it as a time for new beginnings.”

Jooheon tears his gaze away and looks down, letting his fingers rub along the edge of the table. “I’m sure you would,” Jooheon whispers low enough that even if they were in a crowded room, the words would still be for Wonho only.

When eleven comes around, Wonho turns on the tv and makes sure that the volume is raised high enough so that they can enjoy the effects of the explosions like they’re supposed to. Jooheon is sitting criss-cross on the couch watching him and as Wonho goes to join him, he plops himself down right besides the brunet to where their knees brush together and their thighs touch. Wonho holds his breath as he settles, waiting for Jooheon to extract himself and crawl into the corner of the couch but as one moment passes, then two, Jooheon doesn’t move an inch. Wonho lets out a sigh of relief just as the first firework shoots up off of the lawn of the White House.

It’s silent as the camera traces it up into the air but then it erupts, and the colors from the tv dance into the living room with a loud boom . 

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now