Chapter 58 : Blood & Tears

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Wonho’s hands shake as he jams the key into the front door. It’s slammed open and closed before he can blink, and he’s flying up the stairs before he can even register it. His feet are moving on a mind of their own, with one set destination and desperation fueling his bloodstream.

Wonho rushes down the hall and halts as he gets to the last door on the left, the door that’s wide open with the sunlight pouring through.

“Jooheon--” Wonho gasps between his breathes. His chest is heaving, winded from his hurry to get home and the pounding of his heart, and the second his eyes settle on the brunet in the middle of the room, all of his explanations and reasonable thinking goes out the window.

Wonho’s mouth drops open and he stares .

Because not only is Jooheon on the floor, but so are all of Wonho’s pictures. The walls of his office are empty and the floor is littered with-- with the scraps of his pictures, the torn pieces that have pooled together in an unrecognizable mess that had once been the artwork on his walls.

Wonho’s chest continues to heave because he can’t breathe and Jooheon is glaring at him and his pictures are ruined and he has a headache and he’s angry-- so fucking angry.

“What have you done?” he demands. His throat feels tight and when his words grind out, they’re harsh even to his own ears. He takes a step into the room and his arms flex at his sides, wanting to grab Jooheon and force him to see what he’s ruined, but Jooheon frantically scoots back before he scrambles to his feet.

Wonho can see the way the brunet’s knees shake and how his hands tremble, but Wonho also sees the pile of trash and he refuses to take any pity on the other individual in the room, not after this.

“What have I done?” Jooheon yells. There are tear streaks down his face and his eyes are red rimmed and splotched, and he looks so devastatingly beautiful that for a split second Wonho forgets what he’s mad about. “What have I done?!” he repeats, shouting louder. “ Wonho what the fuck have you done?! This-- this is fucking insane! Do you realize how crazy this is?”

Wonho refuses to hear it. Jooheon calling him crazy isn’t anything new. It doesn’t sting to hear anymore. Neither does Jooheon’s anger. It all fazes through Wonho like a simple breeze of wind, brushing against his skin and nothing more.

Jooheon is standing shoved against the wall and he’s still shouting but Wonho pays him no mind. Instead, he drops to his knees and begins to card his fingers through the shreds of paper that litter the floor. All of his hard work, gone, and reduced to nothing but confetti strips.

The walls around him mock him with their emptiness and he digs his fingers deeper into the pile on the floor, clawing and pulling the scraps towards him. Jooheon ruined all of it, he ruined--

“Are you even listening to me?” Jooheon suddenly rushes forward and forcefully shoves Wonho’s hands away from the mess. The paper shreds go flying as they slip through Wonho’s fingers and even though they’re ruined, they were at least in his hands. Now even the scraps are gone and Wonho feels something snap inside of him. His eyes snap up from the shreds and train onto the brunet.

He surges to his feet and steps right up to Jooheon, pushing him back up against the wall. “I’m always listening, Jooheon! Can’t you see everything that I have done for you and for you to do this--”

Jooheon clenches his jaw before bringing up his arms and pushing against Wonho, causing Wonho to go fumbling back a few steps, giving Jooheon room again. “Oh, do you?” he yells. “Everything you have done is illegal, Wonho! And now, I find out that you were even fucking stalking me!? Do you not see how fucked up in the head you are?”

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now