Chapter 6 : Stressful Days

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Jooheon, for one, had never been a person in favor of deadlines. They intimidate the living shit out of him and he was probably the world’s biggest procrastinator when it came to things he needed to get done but the truth was, he was stuck. He wasn’t purposefully prolonging his work, it was just that it wasn’t coming to him like it usually did. A cruel and downright frustrating sensation of writer’s block had been plaguing him for weeks and left him glaring at the screen of his laptop for the last half hour trying and failing to find the perfect ending for his latest chapter.

He sat there thinking and thinking, then re-thinking and typing away only to delete the words not even a second later. “Fucking shit,” he mumbled beneath his breath. “The shittiest writer on the face of the fucking planet.”

Which, was a lie. He knew he was good, not enough to brag about it on the streets but good enough that he got recognized a few times out of the months by people he passed by in public and fairly regularly in bookshops by people who were fans of his works. And it was those fans that were so persistent in getting the next novel in his books series. Or, better known as the half-finished pile of garbage that he had been staring at for far too fucking long.

Jooheon pushed himself away from his desk with a groan and leaned his head back to settle against the top of the chair. He brought up his left hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing heavily to the empty space around him.

He almost wanted to say fuck it all and scrap the damn thing. Instead of being an author who wrote a new book every two years, maybe he could be someone like George R.R Martin who published a new book to his series every decade. It’s not like that man’s fan base minded, so why couldn’t Jooheon do that too? Technically no one was demanding that he have his next book out by a certain time, but he had told his publicist that his new novel would be out by December. It was May . He still had around six months left but he still had yet to finish the novel, have it edited, have its cover finalized, and have its release date finalized by his publisher. Usually the last few steps took at least a month in a half so Jooheon was starting to get a bit antsy about the whole thing. Like, way too fucking antsy.

It didn’t help that he had over a dozen email alerts from P.O, his publicist, that his computer oh-so-thankfully reminded him of every ten minutes. Or perhaps even the handful of unread voicemails that he absolutely refused to click on. It had gotten to the point where P.O was calling twice, sometimes three times a day so Jooheon was more than eager to leave his phone laying on his bed and put on silence. At least then he could control one problem at a time.

Jooheon groaned again and brought his head back up, scowling at the computer screen. He wished he could have a superpower that he could snap his fingers and the whole damn thing would write itself. Now wouldn’t that be something? Screw Superman and Batman. Magic writing was where it was really at. Maybe he should get the idea patented.  

He snorted at the idea because what sorry soul would read something like that for entertainment? Then, Jooheon frowned because not only was he talking to himself but now he was laughing at his own jokes. Maybe he was the sorry soul.

Jooheon didn’t get long to think about that particular detail because suddenly his laptop was chiming to life. A blue skype bubble popped up on his screen with an embarrassing picture of Jisoo from her middle school days in the middle. He accepted the call quickly, relieved for the distraction, and grinned as his sister came into view.

“I’ve called you three times, asshole.” Jisoo glared into her camera, which was also the equivalence of glaring right at him.

Jooheon scoffed. “Well hello to you too, my dear baby sister.”

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now