Chapter 49 : Emotional Conflict

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Later that afternoon, they’re both sitting at the kitchen table, swapping small conversations about their day, when Wonho decides to bring up Shownu. When he does, Wonho watches Jooheon carefully as the brunet suddenly stills, going quiet like the drop of a dime.

Wonho feels like he may have made a mistake mentioning Shownu because Jooheon somehow pulls away without actually leaning back. It’s like emotionally Jooheon backs away, his gaze going distant even when Wonho desperately tries to find it.

He fidgets nervously as he waits in the silence; his legs bounce up and down, his fingers twitching along any surface they find. It feels like hours until Jooheon speaks.

“Your friend… he knows about me?” Jooheon asked slowly, his gaze trained on the top of the table like he’s scared to look up.  

There’s something in Jooheon’s tone that makes the hairs rise on Wonho’s arms, like he knows that there’s a storm brewing in the younger man. Wonho doesn’t nod until Jooheon glances up and when he does, there’s a conflicted emotion that flickers across the brunet’s face. It makes Wonho’s jaw clench, getting himself ready for the inevitable. For what he knows is rapidly approaching.

“W-what was Shownu saying?”

“He said he wants to meet you. Even tried to get me to agree to a double date,” Wonho says with a strained laugh. He’s trying to make light of the situation but his words ring between them, echoing in the silence. Then, Jooheon physically leans away.

“So, what?” Jooheon swallows and Wonho watches the movement of the muscles in his neck, transfixed like always. “He’s coming over?”

Wonho scrunches his face, shaking his head rapidly. “No.”

“Why not? If he wants to meet me so badly, then let him, Wonho.”

“You’re kidding right? You and I both know that the second he walks through that door, you’re gonna ruin all of this.”

“So you’re saying he doesn’t know?”

Wonho pauses, looking toward the brunet like he’s grown a another head. Had Jooheon thought… Oh. Is that why Jooheon had gotten upset? Jooheon had thought Wonho had told Shownu about the things he had done, how he had committed such a horror against the younger man even though his intentions were so, so good. Wonho would never tell another fucking soul.

“Believe it or not, Jooheon, I don’t go around telling people my personal business,” he mumbles

Anger flashed across Jooheon’s face. “And you consider me your personal business? Not, you know, an actual human being that has no connection to you besides the fact you took me from my own apartment and locked me up in this house, Wonho?”

Wonho sighs heavily and crosses his arms across his chest, leveling a look towards the brunet. “Jooheon can you not start. I’m just trying to talk to you without you throwing a fit. Just give me a break, please? I’m trying to make this good.”

Jooheon stares at him, his mouth hanging open slightly as if he’s in shock. There’s a moment between them that neither move; Wonho’s not even sure either of them take a breath. But then, Jooheon pushes his plate away. LIke a child. And all Wonho can do is stare as the glass plate goes sliding across the table.

“ This-- ,” Jooheon hisses, using his hand to signal the space between them “--will never be good. I think you should learn that pretty fucking quickly Wonho.” Before he gives Wonho the chance to say or do anything, Jooheon scoots his chair back, and forcefully, the legs screech against the hardwood floor. He’s gone a second later and it leaves Wonho swallowing down the emotions that have lodged themselves in his throat.  

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