Chapter 19 : Mine

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His veins felt like ice. He could feel the prickling sensation run through his body as he slowly lost feeling of his toes and fingers. His head… his head was starting to pound and when he tried to think, the thoughts were fuddled and he couldn’t understand what was happening or why the room felt like it was so far away.

Jooheon’s back was pressed against the cold floor and he stared through blurry eyes as Wonho came into view, towering over him. He was trying to push himself as far away as he could, using the palms of his hands and bare feet to slide himself out from between Wonho’s legs but he couldn’t find purchase against the smooth wooden floor.

Wonho’s legs were locked on both sides of his hips and Jooheon couldn’t move, couldn’t get away, and the room was swimming before his eyes and he couldn’t focus, couldn’t think straight. All he could make out was the hazy figure of Wonho above him and with desperation, Jooheon lifted his arms to push uselessly at Wonho’s shins.

“P-please,” Jooheon whispered. His voice was weak, like him, and his jaw trembled as Wonho reached down. Jooheon wanted to push him away but when he tried to move his arms, they wouldn’t cooperate and they felt heavy and foreign like they didn’t belong to him. He could hardly make Wonho out, but he could see as the shadowy figure slid down onto the floor beside him and felt as he was effortlessly gathered into strong arms.

Jooheon was pulled into Wonho’s chest and he could smell the shampoo, could smell himself , as Wonho leaned against the wall, pulling Jooheon with him.

“Jooheon,” Wonho breathed into his ear, the whisper sending a warmth shiver down Jooheon’s spine. One of Wonho’s large hands slid carefully into Jooheon’s hair, the other curving against his spine and pulling him even closer. “You’re mine now, remember?”

Wonho’s grip tightened around him and Jooheon wanted to shout and scream but his mouth wouldn’t move and even though he fought against the pull, his lids felt too heavy and nothing he could do could keep them open.

Slowly, his eyes fluttered shut and Jooheon’s world went black. The last thing he could feel was Wonho’s arms holding him and the warmth that enveloped them whole. Around them, the mint was stronger than ever. 

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now