Chapter 13 : Proposal

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Wonho took a deep breath before he glided through the doorway of the bedroom, wooden tray in hand as he balanced the items on top. Everytime he did this he purposefully went overboard, trying to persuade Jooheon with the finest foods he could make. He still wasn’t entirely sure of Jooheon’s food preference since the young man still hadn’t actually eaten anything, but he was damn sure ready to cook whatever Jooheon wanted.

Because just how many times had he envisioned it? Picturing making his lover’s favorite meal; bringing them breakfast in bed on weekday mornings just before they prepared for the day. It had been something that he had wanted for so long and it was just so… overwhelming now, with Jooheon actually here but not-- not really, not the way Wonho wanted him.

Then again, all things considered, Wonho expected a bit more time until Jooheon started to come around. He was walking on incredibly thin ice here. Any wrong move could have Jooheon spiraling out of control. Any worng word could have the young man tuning Wonho out for days, refusing to utter a single word except for scream his lungs out as he uselessly called for help.

It was only a matter of time. That’s what Wonho kept telling himself. It’s what kept him going. He knew that once Jooheon hit rock bottom, the only place he could go was up and Wonho was going to be damn well sure that he would be there waiting with wide open arms.

All Wonho was doing was playing a very tricky form of the waiting game and Wonho was never one for giving up. He had a plan taking down Jooheon’s defenses was the first step and from there the rest would fall into place one by one like pieces of the most breathtaking puzzle imaginable.

Wonho had to start somewhere, and rock bottom was what this was.

Wonho smiled towards Jooheon as he stepped further into the room. “Mornin’,” he said, purposefully chipper to overpower the brunet’s glower. Seriously, if the guy could kill people with his looks Wonho would have been in stage three of the decomposition process by now. That’s how good Jooheon was.

Jooheon, however, stayed poised as ever, silent and still, as he sat up against the headboard.

“So, I have a proposal for you,” Wonho said, forcing the silence away. Over the past five days he had had enough of it and he wanted it to damn well end.

Wonho approached the bed carefully, making sure he was moving slow enough that Jooheon didn’t see him as a threat because it practically killed him everytime Jooheon jolted away when he got a bit too close.

Jooheon’s eyes snapped up to his. The young man didn’t speak but Wonho could tell that he was silently urging him on, telling him to get on with it.

Wonho stepped forward and bent over to place the bed tray over Jooheon’s lap. Jooheon tensed as Wonho got close but at least it wasn’t as violent as his movements had been days prior. Wonho doesn’t think the words ‘ Get the fuck away from me !’ will ever stop replaying in his skull, nor will the burn of pure hatred in Jooheon’s eyes ever be erased from his memory.

With the tray and fresh food in front of Jooheon, Wonho gently eased himself on the bed, sitting on the brunet’s right. Jooheon’s gaze flickered down to the tray but less than a second later, those honey brown iris’ were trained back on Wonho.

“If you eat--” Wonho nodded his chin towards the food on the tray, “--I’ll take off the restraints.”

At first Jooheon didn’t react. He kept staring lifelessly at Wonho with his arms spread at his sides like a crucifix. But then, as the seconds tick by, it begins to visually dawn on Jooheon that Wonho just might be telling the truth. The reaction on his face is beautiful to watch. Those slick red lips of his part in disbelief, glossier than usual from the chapstick Wonho had put on him an hour earlier. His eyes are wide now as he looks at Wonho.

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن