Chapter 38 : The Promise

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Wonho stands in front of the coffee machine, drumming his fingers against the countertop as the dark liquid drips into the glass pot. It’s old fashioned, and pretty outdated but it was his ma’s and he’s never thought about replacing it with one of those newer machines that he sees practically everywhere nowadays. There’s always been something comforting hearing the sizzle of the machine, getting to watch it come to life drip by drip until there’s an entire steaming pot ready.

Usually, it’s relaxing.

Today, however, he hardly pays it any attention. Instead, his gaze is trained on a hardstock 3.5 x 2 inch business card that lays between his hands. The ten digits on the surface seem to laugh at him, as if they can sense his unease with the whole situation. The problem is that he doesn’t know a damn thing about building a fence or a patio, and he has no clue or manpower to build a pool. So he knows-- has known since that night he told Jooheon he would start fixing up the backyard, that he’s going to need help, even though he downright hates the idea of strangers showing up at his house and doing god knows what in his backyard.

But still… Jooheon wants to go outside and the only way that can happen is if the security out there is just as good as it is inside. Wonho has no choice here. He’s trying to do what’s best, even if it wouldn’t be his most ideal option.

Wonho sighs heavily to himself and straightens up, plucking the card off the counter and holding it between his fingers. With his other hand, he digs into his pocket and pulls out his cellphone. Before he knows it and more importantly, before he can second guess himself, Wonho’s dialing up the ten digits and holding the phone up to his ear, listening to it ring.

It takes a few seconds until suddenly, the line clicks and there’s a man’s voice on the other side. It’s a voice that Wonho is starting to recognize. “Barton Supplies, this is Hyungwon, how may I help you today?”

In His Arms - Wonheon ( Wonho x Jooheon ) Where stories live. Discover now