Chapter 10 : Last Step

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              ~~ At Jooheon's Apartment ~~

When the glass shifts beneath his fingertips, Wonho holds his breath as he pushes one of the windows of Jooheon’s apartment up. He hadn’t heard much of a sound, but the soft pop of the lock unhooking made Wonho pause, listening carefully for the softest of noises in case Jooheon somehow woke from it.

But as five seconds pass, then ten, and not a sound could be heard, Wonho finished pushing the window open and picked his leg up to go over the short wall. He gently eases his left leg in through first, carefully placing it onto the floor before repeating the motion with his right.

With both feet planted firmly on the floor of Jooheon’s apartment, Wonho lets out a breathless deep sigh and stares, almost as if in shock, as he realizes he fucking did it. He has to resist the urge to jump up into the air and shout in victory because now the hard part is over and dealt with. He got in. Getting out would be the easy part.

Wonho slowly turned his head to look around the room as he blinked in the darkness. It’s Jooheon’s living room. There’s a large tv that sits on an entertainment center and an equally large couch that is placed in front of it. Unless Jooheon is a hyper and quite thorough housecleaner, the furniture appears to be brand new and unused with the surfaces polished and decor pillows angled in precise perfection. The sight makes Wonho wonder if Jooheon spent time actually arranging the cushions or if he just threw them on like that. It also makes Wonho think back to the bare couches at the house and he figures that at his first opportunity, he’s going to buy some for them too.

Wonho carefully enters further into the room and takes his steps slowly, one at a time and making himself as silent as humanly possible. He approaches a fairly well stocked bookshelf that seems almost crammed to the brim with books of all sizes. It’s enough to spark his curiosity and Wonho reaches out and lets his fingers skim along the spines of the novels. It does funny things to his insides when he realizes that Jooheon is a book reader and he smiles to himself as he pictures a short stack of novels that would rest on the end table on Jooheon’s future side of the bed back in Wonho’s bedroom. Wonho mentally tells himself that he’s gonna need to buy a lamp if Jooheon has a habit of reading at night. But as Wonho blinks back into focus, it’s then that he realizes that the majority of them have the name Lee J. Hojoon written in fine print down the sides. Wonho’s brows furrow slightly and he eases one of the novels out with extreme caution, holding back the rest of the books incase they bump together.

Once the book is in Wonho’s hands, he turns the novel around and pulls his phone out to use the faint beam of light from his screen to highlight the author’s page. And much to Wonho’s surprise, the picture right there in the middle is a black and white photo of Jooheon. His hair is shorter and he’s giving the camera a friendly smile that makes Wonho smiles back. After all this time, Wonho had figured that Jooheon worked from home or was either someone who was just not interested in work period. Now Wonho knows the real truth and it makes him that much more eager to hurry this all up and get Jooheon to reveal all the things Wonho doesn't know.

He slides the book back into its rightful place and glances towards the hall that extends to the right, before he darts a look towards another that shoots off straight in front of the window towards the front door. Every part of Wonho wants to devour this place from top to bottom and get to finally see the type of person Jooheon is at home, away from the rest of the world, but the small weight in his hoodie pocket feels like it’s dragging him down and reminding him that he has a job to do. That snooping around can wait for later, after Jooheon has been taken care of.

Wonho continues his steps on away from the bookshelf and quietly makes his way down the hall that he knows must lead towards Jooheon’s bedroom. As he glides down the hall, he can see the dark shadows of photographs hanging on the walls but he also sees an opened doorway that is the only door opened. Wonho instantly halts his progress and stares at the opening, knowing without a doubt that it’s Jooheon’s room. He suddenly finds himself nervous because there is no longer walls and buildings separating them. There will be nothing holding Wonho back from joining Jooheon. It makes Wonho’s breathing turn shallow.

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