Chapter 6 - Standing the heat - part 2

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Okay. Do not panic...

"Yes, I'm up, Mom."

The door slowly opened and Andie did her best not to show her discomfort.

"Hey, mom," she said, trying to sound casual.

"Morning, honey-"

Lauren's look of stupor was even scarier than Andie had expected.

"Adrianna Rosalyn Galestone... what have you done to your hair?" she asked in a calm but tense voice.

Andie scrambled for a response.

"Well, uh... I... they... it's...they're extensions," she finally blurted out, remembering the last time she'd mentioned wanting longer hair.

Her mother's eyebrows went up, her expression suspicious.

"You always said you didn't approve of extensions." she pointed out coolly.

"I know... but... I... I thought I'd give it a try. And as a matter of fact, I like it."

"Well, yes, it suits you," Lauren conceded. "But we always agreed short hair was more practical..."

"No, mom. You decided that. I never said I wanted short hair, I just agreed because it made you happy."

"Hannah's never minded short hair."

"Because I always stopped you from cutting hers!" Andie retorted. "When I was ten, people called me Boygirl!" Andie said. "Because I had short hair! And that's the only reason you agreed to let her have long hair! You might want short hair, Mom, and it suits you fine. But that doesn't mean I have to do the same."

The electricity between the mother and daughter would have been enough to power the entire house.

"Let me be myself, Mom. I love you, but I'm not another you."

And with that, she walked past her and out of her room.

Andie's father was taking Hannah to school because he had to see a client who lived nearby, so Andie drove to school alone. The crowded roads and noise were almost comforting after the recent events. She turned the radio on. It was playing a popular song Andie liked. Soon, she found herself relax and sing along as she drove on. The clear sky wasn't bright enough to have its usual soothing effect on her. The sun wasn't quite awake yet, that was why. She almost laughed as she realised why she liked the sun so much. It was an unconscious manifestation of her power over fire. She could'nt believe she'd even actually, consciously thought that. This sort of thing only happened in movies or books! But she couldn't deny the fact that she'd heard Bane's voice in her mind clear as day. And that attack from that Zorak character, as much as she wished it were otherwise, had been equally real. So the only conclusion she could come to was that all those things they had heard in Chambers Lake Park was the truth. She was so lost in thought she was startled by a loud honking sound behind her.

"Sorry!" she called and moved ahead.

Soon, she reached her school. She didn't get out immediately. She knew her hair would make everyone look round. Everyone always saw her with short hair. She knew that she could say they were extensions and be believable, but she'd never been comfortable being the focus of attention.

"Hey, And-Whoa!" Jessica exclaimed.

"Andie, what did you do to your hair?!" Emily exclaimed.

Andie quickly looked around to check no one else could hear her.

"Officially, they're extensions. But they grew overnight."

"What?" Emily gasped.

"Shh! Yes, I don't even know how. I'm guessing it's because of my powers or whatever they are, but..."

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