Chapter 10 - The best and the worst - part 2

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As she'd expected when she came to the end of her two-hour drive, the car park was already full of cars. She found a spot and climbed out, looking towards the gate. By the entrance, she recognized Bane. He spotted her too and waved. She waved back, and began walking towards him when her phone buzzed in her pocket.

"Hey, Jess, where are you? I just arrived."

"Uh, yeah, sorry, I meant to call earlier but... I'm not going to make it."

"Oh, shoot, what's wrong?"

 "Nothing, just my aunt coming to town and since we haven't seen her in a year, my parents want us all to be there..." Jessica said.

 "Oh. Well, then, have fun." Andie said.

 "Hm. I would much rather be over in Portland with you guys."

 "We'll bring you back a souvenir," Andie grinned.

 "Have fun, then. I have to go," Jessica said. "Bye!"

 "See you at school, Jess."

 She hung up and was just about to put it back in her pocket when it buzzed again. It was a text message, this time, from Isabelle.

 Hi, sorry this is so last minute, but my sister is sicker than sick and I have to stay to take care of her... sorry! Hope you have fun! XO.

 Andie paused, frowning slightly. First Jessica now Isabelle? She sighed.

 Bad luck, she told herself.

 She pocketed her phone and walked on towards Bane. But something made her frown as she came closer. He was talking to someone on his phone.

 "Okay. Well, good luck. Yeah. I'll tell her. Bye."

 "Hey, Bane," she said as she reached him.

 "Hi," he said as he put his phone away.

 "Please tell me that was not Emily," she said, glancing at his pocket.

 He blinked.

 "Actually, it was," he said. "How do you know?"

 "Because I got a call from Jessica and a text from Isabelle. They both bailed."

 "So did Emily. Weird." Bane said.

 Andie was going to agree when it hit her.


 She yanked her phone out and dialed a number. As she'd expected, it went straight to voice mail.

 "Jessica Annabelle Leighton, you are in trouble."

 She hung up.

 "Excuse me?" Bane asked, confused.

 "I think this is a set up."

 "Set up?" Bane asked, instantly alert.

 "No, no, not that kind." she corrected hastily. "I mean she pretended this to be a group thing but then made it just the two of us."

 Bane's mouth opened then closed as it dawned on him.


"I'm sorry... I can't believe she did this... Ugh, I should have seen it coming when she insisted we come in separate cars!"

She heaved a sigh of annoyance.

"Why don't we just call it a day?" She asked Bane.

"Well, it seems a shame to do that," Bane said, "Now that we've come all the way over here..."

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