Last Tear

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Third Person's PoV

Yongsun didn't sleep last night for the performace she is preparing while Byul is busy preparing her suit for the stage.

"Yong? Ready?" Wheein asked. Yongsun's body is shaking, it's her first time performing at this crowded. "Yeah, I guess" she answered. "You can do this, Fighting!" Wheein Encouraged Yong.


"Pls welcome the dance club"
The speaker said and byul's hand started to refuse the mic. She didn't know why she accepted this but when she accepted it, her mind never think about her brother. Now, her brother's death keep flashing through her mind.

"Byul, You can do this. I trust you" her brother said encouraging her. As the music starts, she started to enjoy the show and the dance.

(An: Let's pretend, this is the performance, hehe)


Yongsun's PoV

She sang, she dance, she show her talent that she never did to anyone? I did it! But.....

Byul's talent is....... Too much to handle. I feel like I'm... I'm turned on on her performance. How can she be so hot? Who gave her permission to be so cool?

I can't avoid smiling at the back stage as I recall her voice, her body, her coolness, she is..... Amazing.

" Am I the reason why Miss Yongsun keep smiling?" I put a frown expression when I hear her coming close. "You did great, congratulations, you maybe brave." She complimented as she smirks. Why smirk byul? "Thanks but no thanks. " I answered coldly avoiding her eyes.

I stayed silent as I saw her looking at me, smiling? Or grinning? I don't know, I look away  quickly when I met her face.

I look around trying to hide my face, why would she stare at me that long? I  can feel my face started heating. "Won't you compliment my dance. I danced so sexy, aren't you turned on?" She asked with a seducing tone. I keep caressing my cheek. "Why would I? I'm not watching you cause I'm focused on my part. " I lied but God knows how I watched her swaying her body and slaying her voice.

"Is that so?" She aked while getting nearer, her face is near my ear. I can feel her breath and it makes me shiver. "Ya, move back" I said and she move her face on my ear. "Your voice turned me on" She whispered with her husky and seducing voice as she stand up and leave me.... Breathless...

I shake my head avoiding to think what happened. "What did I just saw?" A voice from my back.

"Flirting?" Hyejin asked as she sat near me. I nodded.

"Well, get used to it. She did that to every girl she knows, that girl is a bitch" she said as we laughed.
"You mean, she flirted to you and as for wheein?" Out of my confusion, I asked. "Not much cause if her greasiness strikes, we warn her" I smiled at her explanation. It shows how they know byul. "By the way, did you saw wheein? I keep looking for her after your performance but I can't find her"

I roam my eyes to look for her. "What did she say before leaving"  she face me "when we are in yout middle of performance, she said she want some fresh air and left" she answered.

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