Another Mission

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Yong suddenly realized that her Mission is to spy Byul in every action she does. She suddenly felt her heartbeats getting faster.

"Ok.  Yongsun, you can do this. For your mother" she said keeping the picture and take a nap.


"Apply as an applicant. Everything you need is there"

I went to the EN Building to apply any job I can get....


"Pls go to the Ceo's Office now" I quietly step off the office and saw a good looking man.
"Excuse me sir.. I--"
I was cut off by him."take your sit Yongsun-ssi" I was shocked when I heard the voice.

"Minhyuk oppa?!" I almost shouted on excitement. He is the CEO! Is this a coincidence?

"Take your sit. I'll have to discuss some things to u" He said smiling with a serious tone.

I got confused so I quickly took my sit..

"Are you okay with it?" Oppa asked. "Her personal bodyguard??! How am I suppose to handle her!" I shouted while standing up.

He walked near me tapping my back. "I'm sure you can. All you have to do is teach her discipline."  Oh right, she's still the same. "So your name is So Lar?" He claimed as he view my profile... "Hehe, well it's my name as an Agent" I excused. If only he knew my mission. I feel bad for this, I mean, yeah,  My both mission is about for MOON BYUL YI's safety and so whatever! I hate that name.

"You can start today... " I lift my head.

Today? As in today? Really?

"Opp-" I was cut off when he smirked at me. "Btw, don't call me oppa in front of her" I walked fast so I can catch up to him while leaving. "Wae? She clearly know that I call you that?" He didn't stop and also didn't respond.

I walked faster and block his way so he stopped. "Wae???" I silly asked. "She is on permanent amnesia and she don't remember you, all of you and she bosses herself. " He explained. I was shocked on his statement and didn't know what to say...

"Even me but she knew that I'm her brother. Still she's the same as before but she's colder now.  Fuck!" He continued and left me hanging. 

I regret asking why.. Stupid yong! Stupid! Stupid!!. I'm hitting myhead on the wall then suddenly I felt a hand blocking my head from hitting the wall.

I turn and saw a familiar face from my right.
"Unnie!" She said smiling showing her dimple.... Smiling? ... Dimple!
"Wheein-ah!!" I said hugging her on excitement. Can you believe that? I met her here!.

"Unnie, what are you doing here?" I stopped my tracks, should I tell her?

I saw her Id, Ass. manager?
"You work here?" I asked and I saw her again smiling. "Ne... I followed byul" I flash her a confused look. "What about you unnie? I thought you are agent on Korea" Should I really tell her. "I-I came here for a Mission." I said avoiding her eyes. "Mission? For what?.. Undercover?" I shake my head giggling.. "Don't just smile and tell me" she said while clinging to me. "I'm hungry, let's eat. " I said while pulling her for a snack.


"Why did you follow her?" I asked out of the blue while we're eating....
"I mean you know.. Don't you have any goals for life? " I continued as I noticed her silence. "I have....." She answered. "She..... Is my goal" I almost blow my food out when I heard it. "Unnie!" Wheein said rushing a water to me.. "I'm fine" I manage to answer.

"You can't understand my situation cause maybe you didn't experienced love" She answered grinning.

I'm really confused. Does it mean, she's inlove with Byul? I mean Miss Moon Byul Yi?

Well, you know... She is my boss so I'm trying to give respect..haha.

"Let's go back.. Our Break time is over" I nodded while wondering where to go. I felt wheein's hand on mine. "Come with me unnie.. I wanna tell you a story" She said with excitement.

As we entered the office, I  heard a screaming voice. Wheein rushed upstairs so I followed "Shit! I'm late!" . I was about to take the elevator when .. "Shit!" My ID is missing, where did I dropped it?

"Unnie.. Pali!" I saw Wheein on the elevator. "Go ahead, I have to find something" she took my advice and rushed up.

I'm still searching for my ID as I crawl when my head bumped into something. I lift my head and saw a pair of shinny heels with a good polished nails.

"You didn't tell me, we allow dogs on this building" Wait... I recognized that voice...

I stand up straight revealing a fierce look from the woman in front of me. I smiled at her and open my arms hugging her. "I miss you byul" I said in excitement but I didn't feel any respond.

I noticed a confused look on her... Suddenly......
Oh right, she is suffering amnesia right? The heck!!!

"I'm I'm sorry Ma'am.. I- I didn't mean to... " She held my colar and hold me tight. Oh god, not again....  "Who told you to touch me" She said with the scariest tone I've heard, I swear!

"Byul!!!" We both faced the person who shouted. " Let her go!  What are you doing!" Minhyuk oppa pull me away from her and she glared at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as I keep nodding. "Byul don't you know her? She will be your right hand"  Byul stared at me coldly. "I told you I don't need anyone's help" She said glaring at me. I never wanted to be with you too... "You will.... Soon"

An: Will Moon Byul Yi accept Yongsun?? Stay Updated!


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