7- The sacred secret pocket

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Things quickly got back on track. The rest of the trip back was uneventful save for a quick mini tantrum from Mista about four people having to share two seats again. Once we were safely back into the shared hideout, I realized that I was incredibly bored. Deciding to read a book on the couch, I flopped onto the couch with no regard for anybody else who might be there.

Getting lost in my book, I suddenly found it hard to concentrate when there was a sudden commotion that wandered inside. Mista, holding a sandwich in his hands, was currently trying to scold a bunch of miniature golden elves from stealing it from him. Raising an eyebrow at the sight of what I assumed was some kind of Stand, I watched Mista sit down on the couch and slowly eat his sandwich.

"Mista! We're hungry Mista!" One of the little bastards cried, tugging at his hat. Mista struggled between chewing and talking.

"Yeah, I know, lemme just-"

"MISTAAAA! Number Three is bullying me again...!"

Yep, one of the little gremlins was currently crying and getting smacked by the others. Unsure what the hell was going on, I closed my book and looked at Mista, then commented,

"Your sons are well behaved."

Mista frowned at me, only for a few bites of his sandwich to be stolen from him, "Wh- hey!"

The little dudes began ravaging the few bites they had stolen, Mista accepting some of his sandwich as lost and trying to eat the rest. Pulling out my backpack, I began scrounging through it like crazy, sticking my arm all the way in while searching for something. Finding it, I pulled out a half eaten bag of chex mix.

"Yo, Mista, are they allergic to anything?"

"Um..." Mista seemed confused by my sudden question, then noticed the food in my hand and shook his head.

"Alright sweet. Gather around, little ones, I've got chex mix." Pulling out a handful of the mix like I was about to feed crows, I let an amused smile onto my face.

Mista watched as the little bastards began swarming me, trying to hurriedly eat his sandwich. Taking a brief pause, he introduced me to his Stand... s.

"Sex Pistols."

"Oh, sweet."

Looking down at the Sex Pistols as they devoured food from my hand, I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. They're adorable and I love them very much. Once the food had been eaten, they seemed to have taken a liking to me. The Sex Pistols found their way up and began resting on the top of my head, doing their own little thing as I tried to stay still.

Mista took my stillness as me being uncomfortable, "You want me to get em off of you?"

"No, I'm enjoying this. I don't want them to fall-"

Just as soon as I said that, Sex Pistol Number One fell off my head and down into my shirt. Not really bothered, I chuckled and looked down.

"You enjoying yourself down there, buddy?"

"Hell yeah!" Number One seemed to found something in my bra and pulled it out. Mista stared at the object in Number One's hand, then looked up to ask me a question.

"Why do you keep money in there?"

I shrugged and quickly took my money back from Number One, pushing it back down again.

"Free storage. I can put lots of things in there."

"Oh. Um. Nice." Mista seemed a bit awkward when talking about boob storage, so I decided to drop it and instead focused on the other Sex Pistols. A few of them began jumping down onto my shoulders and began trying to figure out if I stored anything else anywhere. Number Three continued to try and beat the shit out of Number Five, prompting me to stick one of my fingers in between them to stop the Sex Pistol harassment.

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