31- Poggers

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As soon as I came near the laptop, I realized that maybe Bucciarati and Abbacchio were completely hopeless. Stuck typing in his own password, Bucciarati was beginning to slowly type it in again. With an exaggerated sigh, I shoved Bucciarati over and took control of the laptop. Not bothering to look at him, I explained myself quickly, "My grandmother types faster than you do, and she's been dead for years. What's your password."

Bucciarati remained silent for a moment, before whispering almost shyly, "Sex wizard one two three..."

Not fazed, I blinked and asked, "Okay so is that all one thing, and are those numbers or what?"

Completely silent, Bucciarati gave no indication of anything. With an annoyed sigh, Abbacchio answered for him, "That's what we've been trying to figure out."

"When we get back I am SO teaching you grannies to type. This is ridiculous," My harsh comment seemed to wound both men's pride, as they both watched me type in sex wizard one two three until I got it right. As soon as I saw Bucciarati's low res cat jpg desktop background, I had to stop and admit that it was kind of cute.

Bucciarati attempted to regain control of the laptop, but backed away when I gently swatted his hand away and asked, "Why do you even need your laptop right now?"

Bucciarati took to hovering over me again, "I was going to use his fingerprints to find a match."

Grumbling curses under my breath, I picked up the laptop and looked around for Coco Jumbo. Spotting Mista crouched down and trying to pet him, I wandered over and jumped into Coco's Stand. Putting the laptop down on the coffee table, I kicked back on the couch and allowed the others to come in at their own pace.

As soon as Bucciarati showed up I gestured over to his laptop and let him take control of it again. Seeing that I had a short break in having to do things while the analysis was going through, I pulled out my phone to talk to the lads. Having been the last to come into the Stand, Giono caught sight of me and made a beeline over to me to lean over my shoulder and watch.

Seeing that Mista and Narancia hadn't come in, I looked up at the ceiling and saw their silhouettes, "They're staying up there?"

Earning a nod from Giorno, I hummed quietly and left it be, opening up the hitman's group chat and beginning to share the good news with them.

[fucker supreme, 7:12] - aight guys i have news. we found the boss hes fucking ugly

[fucker supreme, 7:12] - and his ass is flat

[HEEHEE, 7:12] - And we WORKED under him? Pathetic.

[cheeborger, 7:12] - big talk coming from the guy who wears puffy pants to make his ass seem fatter

Surprised by the hostility from Formaggio today, I took a screenshot to keep that for later.

[Hamtaro, 7:12] - Could we stay on topic please?

[fucker supreme, 7:13] - hey man whats up did you guys finally get into a city

[Hamtaro, 7:13] - Yes, we did. It's nice to finally have a break for once. Pesci and I are treating ourselves.

[fucker supreme, 7:13] - nice job staying on topic idiot

[fucker supreme, 7:14] - anyway more news on the boss. so he actually fucking showed up. i almost maybe died it was awful but i didnt because he like disguised himself as a kid

[fucker supreme, 7:14] - and i thought he was a little bitch so i tripped him and he ate shit

[cheeborger, 7:14] - sweetheart baby i love you so much

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