12- Loop of the Fruit

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The rest of my day at the La Squadra base was me waking up from a nap, occasionally talking, but mostly doting over the cat, eventually falling asleep again, and then waking up to Prosciutto asking me if I wanted toast. The morning had gone smoothly, the only thing that put a slight dent in it was Formaggio saying that my ass was 'poppin' and getting chewed out by Ghiaccio for not using the correct term.

Insults were thrown, a coffee mug's handle had snapped off, and eventually Illuso pulled me away from the table to 'politely' ask me to feed the cat for them, offering to keep my refrigerated tiramisu a secret. Once we both arrived back to the table, Melone was being chewed out for doing something strange by Prosciutto, which quickly escalated to Ghiaccio calling him 'feet boy' and almost getting punched. The entire time, Pesci was attempting to peacefully eat his fruit loops, even when Formaggio's cackling made him fall out of his chair and punch Pesci's bowl of cereal.

Prosciutto gave me an exhausted look and sighed deeply before informing me, "I promise it's not usually like this. They're all just excited we have a new member."

Prosciutto's exhaustion ended abruptly when Illuso decided it was the perfect moment to snatch the remnants of Pesci's soggy fruit loops off the table and eat them, getting a disgusted look from Prosciutto before being scolded.

"Illuso, what is wrong with you? Why would you do that? Apologize to Pesci now." Prosciutto put one of his elbows on the table, avoiding any bread crumbs nearby.

"I'm sorry that your fruit loops are delicious." Illuso spoke in a smug tone of voice, making me snicker quietly.

Pesci didn't actually seem all that bothered though, "It's okay."

"Pesci!" Prosciutto snapped, slamming his fists on the table and rattling everything, "Stop being so soft all the time! You think it's okay for Illuso to get away with your fruit loops?"

Pesci flinched backwards, "Th-they got on the table, so it's not like I was gonna eat them anyway...!"

Prosciutto sighed and relented, then gave Illuso a more disgusted sneer, "Illuso. Stop eating food that gets on the table, you don't know what gets on there."

"But I do. Plates go on the table." Illuso said matter-of-factly, hand reaching over to grab one of my toast pieces before I slapped it away gently. Illuso gave a small huff but stopped, moving over to try and mooch food from Formaggio.

"Illuso, fuck off and make yourself something for once!" Formaggio whined, pulling bowl of dry cereal away from Illuso. Illuso crinkled his nose at the sight of the bowl.

"Dry fruit loops. That's worse than soggy fruit loops, Formaggio." Illuso chastised, leaning over the table to try and steal from somebody else. Prosciutto guarded his toast with both of his arms, as did Ghiaccio, and Melone leaned down to start licking at his omelette to deter Illuso. Illuso made a 'tch' noise at the sight of Melone's act, then made it look like he was trying to steal from Ghiaccio before suddenly reaching back and stealing a handful of Formaggio's dry fruit loops.

"What- hey!" Formaggio stood up and tried to free his cereal from Illuso's grip, eventually watching Illuso crunch down on the loops with a smug smile. Thinking about the Lööps cat the entire time, I considered getting myself some fruit loops considering how popular they were among La Squadra.

Spotting Risotto walking to the table with a bowl of cereal in his hand, I watched him sit down in the free spot next to Prosciutto, completely ignoring the unfolding chaos Illuso had spread. Illuso sat back in his seat, giving me an expectant look and eyeing my toast. Taking a bite of it right in front of him, I heard him huff in amusement.

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