33- Freaky Friday

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Feeling myself wake up, I opened my eyes slowly and stared at the blurry looking ceiling. Blinking a few times to shake off the cobweb of sleep, I sat up to look around. Seeing I was in Coco Jumbo's Stand, lying in the middle of the floor, I wondered who's idea it was to just dump me on the floor instead of on one of the chairs.

Attempting to stand up, I found that it was a bit too difficult at the time, requiring me to grab onto the table to stand up fully. As soon as I did, I noticed that something was very... off.

It wasn't as if I was considered short by any means, but everything suddenly looked a lot smaller. Not to mention, my ass kind of hurt. Guessing that I was dropped a little too hard, I grumbled something about beating the shit out of whoever thought it was funny to do that.

My tale of woe didn't end there, either. My back was killing me, as if I had been slouching a lot more than usual, or sleeping weirdly. Everything felt sort of sore, actually. Readying myself to royally kick the ass of who put me in here for causing this, I exited Coco Jumbo's Stand to look for the others.

"HEY!" Hearing a voice that sounded eerily like mine, I jumped and spun around. Shocked by what I saw, I found myself staring at... myself. Looking absolutely infuriated, my body pointed pointed at me and yelled at me again, "What the hell are you doing?! Why do you look like me?!"

"What do you mean?!" I pointed back at my body and shouted, "Why are you me?! I'm me!"

Shocked at the deep, gravelly tone my voice held, I looked down to expect myself. Long lavender-ish white locks of hair fell into my face, startling me as I tried to flinch back from it. My body kept glaring at me, a wicked scowl on her face as she growled, "What the fuck is your issue, huh?!"

Grabbing at my own chest, I found that it was hard and muscled rather than soft and squishy, prompting me to grumble, "M-my boobs are gone..."

"What the hell do you think you're- h-huh?!" Staring at herself, my body suddenly twisted her arm around while staring at it, before looking down at herself. A bit disturbed by what she saw, my body slowly did the same thing I did, groping her chest slowly and finding that it was different.

A bit flustered by the sight, I clenched my hands into fists and shouted at her, "Wh-what the hell?! Don't grab my tits, only I'm allowed to squeeze them!"

"Why do I have them?!" My body screamed back at me, the tone sounding like she was purposefully trying to make her voice lower and more masculine, "Why do I have your boobs then?!"

Grabbing my body by the shoulders, I got in her face and argued, "Give them back then!"

"Abbacchio, (Name)!" Stopped by Giorno's voice, I watched as he froze at the sight of us before getting in my face, "Abbacchio! What's your problem, man?!"

Still mad because of the boob thing, I yelled back at him, "I'm not Abbacchio! I'm (Name)!"

Disbelief was written all over Giorno's face, the boy about to argue with me when my body stepped up, "It's true! I'm Abbacchio!"

"(Name), Giorno, Abbacchio!" Hearing Trish's voice, I perked up and looked over to her, "What are you guys waiting for?! The Boss could be around any corner! Take cover somewhere!"

Giorno dove behind a small piece of rock, being the only one concerned about that right now, "That's right! Giorno, Abbacchio, (Name), get under cover!"

Confused as to why she was acting like that and had Mista's gun, I began to slowly piece things together. Turning back to my body- who claimed to be Abbacchio- I asked her, "So, if you're Abbacchio... and I'm (Name)... and Giorno isn't Giorno... then we've all switched bodies?"

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