17- The Boss' Daughter

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Silence passed between the three of us, on account of Prosciutto staring at his laptop screen with enough intensity to silence Pesci and I. Unsure if I should try breaking the silence, I stared down at the table and waited for somebody to speak.

"(Name)," Pesci called, speaking quietly to get my attention, "Your teammate's coming over."

"Mm... I'll wait for him to come. Look down at the table if you don't want him to see your face." I replied quickly, not wanting to set off any indicators that something was off to Giorno. Prosciutto glanced up once and seemingly alt-tab'd into something non-related to our discussion, what looked like an image of a cat reflecting in his eyes.

Hearing Giorno stop a few feet behind me, I turned my head towards him, giving him a grateful but curious look, "Giorno, is something wrong?"

Giorno glanced over at Prosciutto and Pesci, then let his stare linger on me, "Mista. He and the other guy both disappeared."

"Ah, right," Standing up from my chair, I looked back at Prosciutto and Pesci and gave them both a subtle nod, "I'll be seeing you two later then."

Giorno didn't spare the other two another glance, rushing off with me in tow. Catching up and falling into step with him easily, I glanced over at Giorno to ask, "Hey, what direction did you last see him go?"

"Should be just this way," Giorno spotted something on the floor and gasped, "Is that blood?"

Stopping once we came to, the two of us confirmed that it was definitely blood, Giorno casting a glance towards the road that slowly went up the mountain, "Seems like both Mista and the enemy were in some kind of vehicle, and they headed up the island. (Name)."

Giorno caught my attention, then continued on, "What should we do? Should we follow them, or do you think that Mista's already won?"

"Mista's strong," I spoke with a moment's hesitation, "If he was confidant about fighting this guy, he'll definitely come out on top. Just, erm, be prepared?"

"I'll see if I can go up the island and check on him on then. You wait here." Giorno didn't wait for my response, rushing up to a vehicle and forcefully opening the passenger's side door before climbing inside of it. Watching the truck depart after no more than a minute, I stuck my hands in my pockets and turned around to go chill out on a rock.

Spotting more bloodstains that definitely weren't there a minute ago, I raised an eyebrow and begrudgingly followed the blood. Seeing the open backdoor of the yacht club, I noticed Prosciutto and Pesci watching me out of the corner of their eyes. Making eye contact with them again, I gave a shrug before stepping inside the yacht club.

Immediately alarmed with what I saw, I felt two different thoughts go through my brain at once. The first was about Mista's gunshot wounds as he bled all over the floor, catching his breath next to an unconscious body of a guy with an ugly haircut. The second was about how Giorno had just left to go up the island.

Despite my overarching concern, I could barely manage a small, "Are you okay?"

Mista gestured down at the hole in his side, "I could... I could be worse."

"Want me to make the call then?" Without waiting for an answer, I walked over to the telephone and made a grabby motion with my hand. Mista jerked his head around, making the crumpled note with the Lagoon phone number inside of it fall into his hand. Tossing it over to me quickly, Mista made himself comfortable on the floor.

"I can go out there and get you a water or something," I offered, half tempted to go out and make Prosciutto or Pesci do it, "It wouldn't take more than a minute or so."

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