30- Tuesday Afternoon

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Finally where we needed to be on shore, our group was currently recovering from the damage we had taken. Although I had protested, Bucciarati told me that I needed to go and rest and banished me into Coco Jumbo's Stand. Unable to fall asleep after a good fifteen minutes of trying, I accepted that I was tired enough to be sleepy, but not tired enough to be able to sleep and chilled out on the chair.

Despite no longer really having to watch over the injured since Giorno's ability was safe, I made sure to check and see that everyone was still doing okay every few minutes. Seeing that Giorno was still unconscious despite his arm being reattached- not that I could blame him- I huffed and stood up to try and poke him awake, bored of just sitting around and wasting time. Although Bucciarati was able to close their wounds, Narancia and Mista weren't going to magically shake it off unless Giorno did his thing.

Jumping when Giorno suddenly sat up in a hurry, I watched as he looked around for a moment before remembering where he was. Staring down at the one arm he had, Giorno blinked slowly before groggily wiping his eyes with his singular arm. Finding that he still only had one, Giorno stared at it for a moment.

Unsure if I should do something, I shifted my weight from foot to foot and decided that if Giorno needed me, he'd say something.

"(Name)," Giorno caught my attention as soon as he sensed I was nearby. Trying not to be disappointed he found me so quickly, I jogged over to him and leaned over the couch. With a blank expression, Giorno asked me, "How many arms do I have?"

"Well, you've got one," I answered, keeping my voice as level as his voice, "If you ask me, it's an improvement from a few hours ago when you had none."

Giorno seemed to accept that answer, then paused to look and do a head count, "Mista and Narancia are over there... where...?"

"Oh, Bucciarati, Trish, and the chief are, erm, keeping guard," Knowing damn well what those three were up to, I made sure that Giorno would catch my drift, "From the dreamworld, I mean. Everybody except me got to take a nap, but I couldn't sleep anyway, so whatever."

Nodding like he understood me, Giorno began looking around for objects to use, I came up with a solution of my own. Wandering to where I had left my backpack, I opened it up and pulled out some random object I wouldn't really miss. Unsure of why I was suddenly holding a pencil box, Giorno opened his mouth.

Knowing the question he was going to ask, I held out a hand to stop him so I could explain, "It's a Stand. Or, rather it was a backpack affected by a Stand. I don't want to go too into detail, but my friend's older half-brother's girlfriend's brother gave it to me."

"What?" Giorno seemed outright confused, "... why?"

I shrugged, "I may or may not have been in a laundromat at the time, and some bastard tried to rob it, so I allegedly lifted him by the collar and put him inside a washing machine and turned it on..."

Giorno gave me a long stare, "Are you just messing with me? Or are you telling the truth?"

"I didn't get into situations where I needed to use my Stand often, but that doesn't mean it never happened," I replied, not even bothering to answer his question. Giorno could figure out if I was pulling his leg or not on his own time. Clapping my hands together, I changed the topic and gave him a bright albeit tired smile, "So! What's it gonna take for you to get these two in tip-top condition, doc?"

Giorno sighed, rolling his wrist to get used to the feeling of having an arm again, "Just give me things you have in that bag, and I'll heal them. I don't need any sort of payment."

Picking my bag up and bringing it closer to Giorno so I wouldn't have to walk back and forth, I handed him the pencil box and watched him do his thing. Although it looked cool, it was still a bit creepy to see the pencil box turn into Giorno's arm and then attach itself to his stump. Digging around for something else I didn't care for, I eventually pulled out a shoe of dubious origin.

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