Who are you? (Bat-family x reader! Sister!)

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(Y/n) Wayne, she's sick and tired of the bat family babying her she wants to prove to them that she can be a superhero like them.

Alfred's age: honestly who knows😂
Bruce's age: 39
Dick's age: 24
Jason's age: 22
Tim's age: 19
(Y/n's) age: 17
Damian's age: 14
(Y/n's) P.O.V.

I don't like how everyone babies me. I know how to take care of myself dad and all my annoying brothers that I love dearly taught me everything I need to know. Trust me one these days I'll prove them all wrong except for Alfred he has always believed that I could do it. I can't even go out in the backyard without being questioned. I get that they care and they want to protect me but I can handle it.

Right now my dad and my brothers were getting ready to go on patrol, but you see me being me the smart one out of everyone in the family well sometimes. Right now I was in my room sitting on my chair that's facing the mirror because every time around 8:30 pm they come and check on me before they leave and go on patrol.

~knock knock~
Perfect timing.
"Come in" I said trying to act normal as possible. Then Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian came in. See always at 8:30.
"What's up?" I said grabbing a brush to brush my hair.
"Nothing we just came to check up on you like always" Jason said.

"Also because we love and care for you," Dick said attacking with a hug that almost made me fall off the chair.
"Tt are you trying to kill MY sister" Damian said harshly getting Dick off of me.
"OUR sister" Tim said rolling his eyes.
"Tt whatever" Damian said. I love them I really do but they can be too much at times.
"Anyways shouldn't you guys be on patrol?"I said I just need them to leave.
"Yeah we should probably get going before the old man starts lecturing us" Jason said.

"Bye love you and before you go Damian don't try and kill Tim or Jason, and both of you don't try and annoy Damian especially you Jay, Tim no drinking Coffee when you come back from patrol and Dick don't be a whore I know what you do when your out there on patrol" I said giving him a glare. Before leaving they all muttered a "yes ma'am". Perfect there home but just to make sure I'll wait a couple of minutes. In the meantime I'll sharpen the blades on my katanas, what can I say I am my brothers' sister even tho we do have different mothers. I go into my walk-in closet, you might thinking really a closet well the thing about my closet is inside of it there another door which I keep perfectly hidden. Inside the door, I have my own mini kinda like bat-cave which no one knows about.

I just needed my suit that I made all by myself. When I got I changed as quick as I can and put in my mask. I walked out of my closet and grabbed my katanas. I walked over to the window and started to open mine slowly. "Heading somewhere Miss (y/n)?"Alfred said.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath. I turned around and smile innocently towards him.
"Hey Alfie" I said trying to play it off cool.
"Going somewhere?" He said
"Just taking a stroll on this long beautiful night" I said
"Uh-huh well just make sure to be back before your father and brothers get back
(s/h/n)" he said smirking. My mouth was wide open. "H-How did you-" I was saying but got cut off.

"Oh please you live every night right before they leave and you come back the next day with bruises and wounds and makeup excuses" he says
"Alfie you can't tell dad or my brothers about this please" I said
"Who do you think I am? Master dick? I'll keep my mouth shut, but you my dear are definitely Master Bruce's daughter" he said smiling to himself.
"Thanks, Alfie" I said running up to him and giving him a hug and left.

*skip til midnight*
It's midnight and nothing's happening I'm about to head home when I hear something in an abounded factory. I carefully make my way down without making a sound. I make my way inside of there and being careful of not getting caught. I made sure to have a perfect view of what's going on to only see my family all tied up. Type of super hero's they are. Note my sarcasm.

"Ahh, my favorite Bat-family hero's" the clown said aka the joker.
"What do you want Joker" my dad well Batman said bitterly.
"Is that a way to treat an old friend batsy?" he said laughing maniacally.
"Imbecile" Robin mutter but I heard.
"Well I need lab rats you see I made something which is gonna be out of this world" and he started to laugh like crazy.
"You my favorite people are going to be my test subjects" he said.

That's when one of the goons came out with 6 needles already filled. I got so distracted I didn't notice anyone behind me they had a strong grip but I'm stronger.
"Oh Mista J is gonna love this" Harley Quinn said smirking.
"So who's going firs-"joker was about to say but got cut off.
"Oh Mista J guess what I found" she said
"Harl's sweets what have I told you about interrupting me" joker said
"To n-" now she was cut off
"EXACTLY NEVER INTERRUPT ME" he yelled that made me jump.

"I'm sorry Puddin but I found this one just snooping around" she said nervously. The joker just looked at me and then gave me a creepy smile.
"Well well if it isn't (s/h/n) "joker Smiled wickedly.
"You look oddly familiar" Red Robin said studying me. I need to get out of here before they figure out who I am but also save them.

Harley was still holding me but she wasn't that smart on the way she held me. I elbowed her in the ribs she lost her balance. When the joker saw that he cam an attacked me but I dodged all his hits. I punched him in the nose he got distracted by the pain I grabbed his head and started hitting it on the pavement. He looked unconscious.

Out of nowhere Harley comes and attacks me again.
"Stupid bitch nobody hurts Mista j" she said and I'm not gonna lie she got me good in my eye I'm probably gonna have a black eye. That's when she was taken off of me by Batman. While the rest were fighting against jokers goons who kept on coming.
"Who are you?" Batman said looking at me.
"Nobody" I said making my voice sound deeper. More and more goons kept on coming but nothing like the Bat-family can't handle.

*30 minutes later*
I was about to leave since we took care of everything when I got stopped.
By Damian which is Robin.
"Yes?" I said
"Who are you? Your skills are decent" He said. Then the smartest out of everyone guessed.
"No way! (Y/n)" Red Robin said surprised it didn't really affect me.

"Who?"I said acting stupid. That's when Batman was behind me and it held a grip on me and Jason took that as the opportunity to take my mask off they did not seem pleased.
"(Y/N)!!!" they shouted
"Hey fam" I said smiling innocently.
"We'll talk about this back at home" Batman said. Then all my brothers came towards me hugging me and congratulating me.
"You can finally join us on patrol" Dick said which made me smile.

"Don't give any ideas Richard" Jason said glaring at him.
"Well see you all back at home" I said I ran and hopped on my motorcycle and drove off hearing the shouts of my family calling me. I honestly don't care anymore after tonight I hope my dad approves of me and that I can take care of myself I hope tonight proved just a little that I can do this.
So I finally updated. I'm so sorry I know I said I was going to update more often but some things came up unexpectedly but I'm going to try and update other then that  enjoy, also it's not my best I was rushing through this story and I'll update asap.

Batboys x Reader one-shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora