Young Lovers (Damian Wayne x reader)

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Damian and (Y/n) are in love but nobody seems to take them seriously. Everyone seems the believe that they won't last. Which leads them to believe so. 6 years pass and they find each other.

(Y/n)'s age: 21
Damian's age: 21
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm going to be late if I don't hurry up. I'm not really a fan of blind dates but what can I say when I come to my friends. This is like the 5th blind date they set me up on and like always I hate them. They're so childish and I'm always the one who ends up paying for dinner. I really could care less about this blind date. I check myself one last time before walking out. I didn't really want to get all dressed up but my best friend told me I have to. My dress consisted of an off-shoulder bandage midi dress the heels were 5 inches and they were color nude.

(B/f/n) said that I can't be alone forever which is true but how can you when you can't forget your first love? Yeah, 6 years passed but you could never forget how they made you feel.

I met Damian Wayne when we were 14 from there our relationship grew. He asked me to be his girlfriend 6 months later. We almost dated for 3 years. Everyone doubted us from the moment we started dating. I honestly can't believe it's been 6 years since Damian and I broke up. I ended up moving away after we broke up I didn't want to but I was only 16 I couldn't do anything about it but once I turned 18 and graduated I moved back to Gotham.

I check the time on my phone to see it's already 8 well guess like I'm going to be 15 minutes late. I grab my purse and car keys and walk out, locking the door to my apartment. I'm glad I didn't wear full makeup. It's pouring badly out here and either way, I don't like Makeup it feels weird on my skin. I'm only wearing mascara and chapstick. Besides, who do I need to impress? I basically run to my car and get in and turn it on. I wait a couple of minutes before backing out and driving to this one fancy expensive restaurant that I can't really pronounce its name. It must be French but who am I to know? I didn't choose this place, it must've been my date.

But like I said it only takes me 15 minutes to get there. I walk inside to be greeted by this old man.

"Hello Miss, do you have a reservation?" He said with a French accent. Knew it.

"Umm no not really I'm actually on a blind date so I really don't know what's it's under" I said being honest.

"Ah, this guy said the same thing it must be him, please follow me miss" he said he started walking away and I followed. At least I know I can afford the food here since it's expensive, I really didn't want to be CEO of my parents' company but it was passed down to me when my father retired. I had no choice; my life was all figured out for me the moment I was born. My father had to take so many trips back and forth from where we lived and (L/n) Corporations.

So I made it easier and moved to Gotham. While walking up ahead I saw someone familiar. Damian Wayne. My heartbeat started pounding. What is he doing here? Is he my blind date? Please don't be. I started looking around to only see Damian's brothers sitting at a different table there not too close but not too far either. There is a table where they have the perfect view to spy on their younger brother.

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