Baby Fever(Tim Drake x reader)

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Where (Y/n) decides to babysit her brothers' daughter while he's out of town for a business trip (and the mom is not going to be in the picture). Let's say she falls in love with the idea and tries to convince her belovedTim Drake.

Tim's age: 23
(Y/n)'s age: 20
(Y/b/n)'s (your brothers nameage: 25
(Y/n/n)'s (your niece's name) age  : 2

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
"Ok (Y/n) I trust you your my little sister so please take care of my little princess" (Y/b/n) said. I nodded my head he can be so overprotective of my niece. Which I find adorable. He still kept going on and on about what to do just in case "this" or "that" happens which I doubt would happen, but hey this is my brother who we're talking to.

"Ok my dear brother, I love you but your gonna be late to your flight I know you love to stay and chat but I don't want you to miss this business trip" I said walking him to the front door and opening it I pushed him out the door before slamming it in his face. Only to realize that was rude of me. I opened it up and said,
"Sorry (Y/b/n) love you have a safe trip I'll make sure to take care of your princess very good" before pulling him into a hug.

After talking for a little while more he finally left.
I got to where my niece is, she is just an adorable ball of chubbiness. I pick her up.
"Hey, cutie I wonder what are we going to do today since uncle Tim is out and won't be back until tomorrow" I said.

To my luck, it's only 3:00 so we really have The Whole day to ourselves.

"Hungry auntie (Y/n)" she said smiling at me.
"Ok is there anything specific you want?" I said to her and just like that her big adorable eyes turned to excitement then she started shouting that she was wanted fries and a cheeseburger.

"Ok little one I'm going to go put on shoes" I said. I went to go put on some shoes which it's my all-time favorite brand converse and a sweater since it was a little chilly out there today. I walked out of the bedroom and went to the living room only to see Tim there playing with (Y/n/n). Awww my two adorable babies are playing together it melts my heart Tim would be a great dad. What the hell? Dad? I've never really had these thoughts...ok maybe just a little but it's a topic that we haven't discussed yet I guess with both our schedules maybe it's best that we don't have a baby yet.

"Hey, hun I thought you were supposed to be here tomorrow?" I said to him.
"Yeah but we finished you know what early so I'm home" he said smiling at me. I laughed at Tim and said, "Babe she's a child I don't think she knows what missions are?" Still laughing at the fact that he couldn't say in front of a child.

"Stop laughing at me" he said whining.
"Come on babe we're going out to take this little cutie to eat and go to the park for a little" I said. I went to the couch to get her coat which is so cute. Damn makes me wanna have one.
I went up to her and started to put it on her when Tim said he'll zip it up. Just looking at them especially Tim like ahhh I really want a baby. I went to her diaper bag to make sure everything's in there which thank the lord that there is mostly because my brother sometimes just forgets to put things that she needs. We decided to walk since it was only like a 10-minute walk.

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