Chapter Four

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Scarlett's POV:

I was woken up by a girl with black hair and green eyes. She said her name was Jasmine. The collar had shocked me awake at the same time she entered the room and shook me awake.

She didn't answer my questions. Damn

"Get up. Your Mistress will be up in about 45 minutes. Get dressed and do your hair. Then come out and get her breakfast. She eats in her room. When you hand it to her kneel on the floor and wait until she tells you you're allowed to stand up. Don't eat anything without permission." She said. I yawned and stretched.

"I..don't have. The catsuit you guys have to wear. Can I keep this on?" I ask, gesturing to the dress. She shook her head and grabbed my hand. I was dragged into what I assumed to be their room then stopped dead.

A woman was there, with long black hair and blue eyes. She looked me up and down then glanced at Jasmine.

"Why is she here pet?" She snapped. Jasmine dipped her head.

"Sorry Mistress. She doesn't have a catsuit and I was giving her my other one." She explained. The woman nodded and sat on the bed. She seemed to be focused only on me. It made me uncomfortable.

Jasmine got to her drawer and pulled out a black one piece catsuit. I turned to find the bathroom but one look from the woman made Jasmine stop me. I turned around and scowled.

"What do you want? I have to go get Layla's breakfast and stuff" I said with a frown. She chuckled and stood up, flicking her hand. Jasmine was quick to leave.

"I'm Sky. But it's Mistress Sky to you. And my daughter is called Mistress Layla. You've got a lot to learn. For starters, don't disrespect the people who can make you disappear" She snapped. I didn't like her smile. From Zane and Layla's talk I had gathered that their parents were some very important people.

Great. Slave to the rich what a nice turnout

"Yes. Mistress Sky?" I said it like a question almost and she chuckled.

"You'll learn. For your sake I hope it's fast. You remind me too much of someone. Get changed and get out" She ordered. I gave her a questionable look and left the room quickly, returning to Layla's room. She still wasn't awake so I changed into the catsuit and slipped on the black heels Jasmine had left for me.

Right on cue she appeared and handed me a heavy tray piled with food. After a harsh reminder to not eat it without permission she left and I put it on the desk. She woke up to the smell of it and sat up, giving me a smile.

"Hey. Where did you get the suit?" She asked. I explained it was from Jasmine and she just nodded. Getting out of bed she stumbled to her closet and after a couple minutes came out dressed in a pretty maroon colored sweatsuit. She picked up the leash thing from the floor and clipped it to my collar. I frowned.

"Sorry. It's the law. No leash equals you getting in serious trouble." She said. I nodded in understanding. She sat at her desk and began to eat, gesturing for me to join her. I ate some of it but I quickly stopped once Jasmine appeared.

"Mistress your 8am driver is here." She explained. Layla wiped the crumbs off of her then stood up.

"Alright pet change of plans. You're not coming with me. Stay here with Ava and Jasmine so they can teach you some things. I'll be back soon I promise" She said. I nodded, though I didn't like it. She left and I was left alone with Jasmine. The other girl, Ava, came in and waved us out to the living room so she could clean the room and Jasmine decided to begin teaching.

"Alright. Rules here are simple. Rule 1: No talking without permission. Rule 2: No eating without permission. Rule 3: No Sleeping without permission. Rule 4: No making eye contact with any Owner without permission. Rule 5: No orgasms if you haven't pleased your Owner first. Rule 6: Always kneel on the floor if She stops somewhere unless She tells you not to. Rule 7: No Cumming before her or without permission. Rule 8: No touching yourself. Rule 9: You're only fed twice a day, don't ask for more. You break any of these rules and you're getting punished. Punishments vary depending on what you did and how much you pissed her off" She explained. The eating one caught my attention.

"Twice a day? That's awful. Okay. I think I got them all" I replied back. She had me recite the rules back to her multiple times till I could get it without having to be corrected. We practiced different kneeling positions and then I had to learn how to pleasure her.

"Wait. I have to..? We have to have sex? I have to have sex with her??" I asked. Jasmine rolled her eyes in response.

"Yes. You get used to it. Ava's the lucky one her Mistress isn't really interested in pleasure from pets anymore. My Mistress still loves to get busy with me" She said with a huff. Just then Zane came out from his room and looked me up and down.

"What a cutie. I hope my big sister decides to share one of these days." He said a disgusting lick of his lips. He turned to Jasmine and snapped at her that his pet needed to be taught as well. She bowed her head and he left into the elevator, waving me a goodbye. The catsuit was uncomfortably tight and showed off a bit too much. Jasmine said the one I was wearing didn't fit me well enough, so it was supposed to be even tighter.

"I'm going to get Master Zane's pet. We'll be reviewing positions again so get in position one." She ordered. I obeyed. She left.

This is going to be an annoying day. Isn't it.

Yes I know it isn't Thursday or Tuesday but I forgot to actually publish this so here's a free Saturday chapter. I'll try to update Maya's story when I can I'm just overwhelmed. Crash and Burn has some pretty lengthy gaps in the plot. #poorplanning

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