Chapter Twelve

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Erika's POV:

Work finally finished and I was quick to grab my stuff and make a dash for the elevator. I passed London and Zachary, who seemed to just give me blank stares. I raised an eyebrow at him, hoping he'd come with me. No luck. He turned back to London and helped her put her coat on. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. It dinged immediately and I hurried inside. Surprisingly enough only one guy ducked into the elevator with me. I've seen him around but never actually got around to speaking terms.

The elevator ride was silent. He stayed in the corner on his phone and I stood in the middle. I always got nervous about people getting in the elevator with me alone. It reminded me of the elevator at Maya and Sky's penthouse. When I first started working here I hesitated to press the button and would instinctively brace for a collar shock when I did. It was hard adjusting. I began thinking back to Eve.

It's been what, 20 years? Eve has to be gone they never keep pets that long. It's rare that anyone of them get that dumb special necklace. I wonder if Samantha would of eventually given one to me.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. I walked out and over to the front desk to be signed out by Mrs Berry. As usual she had a nearly empty basket of cookies left on the counter. I grabbed one and took a huge bite.

"Hey sweetie! Heading home?" She asked with the same soft smile on her face. Today however, it looked almost forced. I ignored it and nodded.

"Yep. Have a good night. See you tomorrow!" I said, walking away to the doors. I saw her unlock them and then turn away to tap something on her phone. Weird. I finished the cookies and got into my car, starting the engine.

"Maybe I should visit Madison." I said to myself as I pulled out of the parking lot.

(Time Skip)
Scarlett's POV:

It got pretty boring after Layla went back to class. There wasn't much to do but read and play around with Siri. Turns out I could google things and watch YouTube. It was better with an iPad though, since you could actually see what you were watching. I stopped that immediately after the collar dropped from 100% to almost 85% in an hour. It really did eat the batteries.

That girl from earlier never appeared again and I didn't bother searching. Too many brunettes in here. I wandered around, picking up random books and sitting around.

Life can't get much better.

'Message from Mistress. "How you holding up kiddo". Would you like to reply. Failure to respond to your owner will result in a level 4 shock. You have 5 minutes.' Siri said. I got up as my collar vibrated to indicate a message. She could text me? A small light on my bracelet began flashing as a visual warning.

"Uh. Hey Siri how do I message her back?" I asked, praying I didn't have to find someone that knew how. My prayers were answered when Siri answered.

'To respond, say "Hey Siri message (sender) (your message here). You have 3 minutes and 32 seconds to answer your Owner. Failure to respond will result—'

"In a level 4 shock yes I know. Hey Siri Message Layla I'm fine. Just bored" I said, effectively cutting her off. I yelped as I got a small sting.

'You are not authorized to send messages under your Owner's name. Please resend your message with the proper addressing. You have 1 minute and 46 seconds to answer your Owner. Failure—'

"Oh my god. Hey Siri Message MISTRESS. 'I am Fine. Just really bored." I said quickly. Siri went quiet. The flashing didn't stop and instead seemed to get faster. I got scared. Then Siri talked and the flashing stopped.

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