Chapter Twenty Two

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Felt Generous. Enjoy.
———————————————————————————Layla's POV:

School ended and I drove us home. Once we got up to my room I closed the door and went on my laptop again while Scarlett watched Netflix.

Harley..Harley..Harley..Wow there's a lot of pets registered as Harley.

I was scrolling through the database, hoping to find out who the mysterious girl was. Her name alone yielded nothing.

"Scarlett. What did that girl, Harley, look like?" I asked without taking my eyes off the screen. I heard her sit up.

"Uh. Black hair and brown eyes." She replied. I typed that in and the search narrowed down from 273 to 105. Damn


"Tall? I don't know. It might of been the heels"

Typing that in narrowed down the search to 43. This was looking hopeless.


"How the heck would I know her weight? Do you weigh your friends when you meet them?" She heckled. I snorted.

"Just answer please. I'm trying to find her through the database" I said. She frowned and told me about her weight. 130-160

The search was now narrowed down to 21. I couldn't think of anything else to ask.

"Well she has a female owner does that help?" She called. I frowned and typed that in. 14 searches.

"Come here and look at the pictures then." I said. She groaned and got up, coming over to the laptop and looking over my shoulder, squinting at the screen.

"Uh. None of them look like her. At all. Maybe that one?" She said, pointing towards the 5th search. I clicked on it and scrolled through the information. At the bottom was RETIRED blinking in big red letters.

"She's been retired." I said. "It means they gave her a lethal injection when they got tired of having her around. It's called retiring.".

"Well none of them look like her. How's that possible? Did her Owner maybe change her name to something else?" Scarlett asked with an adjacent frown. I shrugged.

"Uncommon but could happen. They're petty enough to not like the name they gave you" I mused. I got a snort in reply and then a pause before the sound of rustling bedsheets. Back to Netflix.

I gave up looking and instead changed laptops, curtaining the windows and locking the door.

Looks good so far. The coding is taking longer than I thought it would and I still can't find a way to safely test

Hey Alpha. We haven't been able to come up with a safe way either. Might as well test on Scarlett and hope for the best

What the fuck no! For all we know the coding won't work and that girl will die. Too much of a risk. We need a collar, one that's not around someone's neck.

I don't know where to get one. Easiest access to one is just finding a pet. What do you want me to do pry it off their neck and hope it doesn't kill them?

Maybe the tech lab. They created it and might have a model lying around. You need to steal one.

That's not a bad idea. What do you say Alpha? Got any other ideas?

No. Tech lab it is. Mother's been trying to drag me there for ages. Why didn't I think of that before.

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