Chapter Eight

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Layla's POV:

Scarlett burst into the room and fixed me with a glare. I sat up, placing my iPad face down to acknowledge her. I had been looking over the documents a second time, hoping to find something remotely useful.

"What's wrong? I heard you guys came home but Mother didn't send you away immediately" I asked. She snorted and shut the door, jumping onto my bed.

"Nothing. Your Mother forgot she was still dragging me around because one of her tech buildings had a security breach" She said. I stiffened. Shit.

"Which one?... She owns and operates multiple." Please be a coincidence please be a coincidence.

"Uh. Tech building one?" She said, pulling off her gloves first and then her heels.

Shit shit shit shit shit

"What else did they say? About the breach?" I asked, trying to force my voice to stay calm. I must of did a bad job because she looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you so interested? Just your Parents running around like chickens with their heads cut off over a security breach. Don't they happen all the time to companies?" She replied, lying down on her back and staring up at the ceiling. This time it was my turn to glare.

"Dammit Scarlett! What else did they say!" I demanded, using Mom's voice she used to order around Jasmine and Ava. Scarlett actually tensed.

"Fine geez. They said some old files and emails were leaked. About an older version of my collar. And how bad it would be if someone found out and figured out a way to take them off without a device. Then Maya? I think her name was Maya. Pulled out this black folder and then they noticed I was there and kicked me out" She explained, crossing her arms.

The collars.

"Why haven't we thought of that before?" I said out loud. Scarlett sat up slightly and looked at me.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked. I shook my head and grabbed my iPad.

"Nothing nothing. Uh. Why don't you go hang out with Jasmine and Ava? Maybe Everly if my Brother isn't pestering her. I've got some homework to do" I said. She gave a weak groan.

"Oh come on don't kick me out too. I'm tired. The heels hurt my feet and my hands are all sweaty. Hell, my whole body is probably sweaty" She complained. I bit my lip, weighing the options.

She's a pet. Nobody would believe her if she tried to rat me out. Why would she anyways?

"Fine. Go lock the door" I said. She sighed dramatically and got up, turning the lock on the door and pulling to test. I went over and checked myself, then curtained my window. Scarlett looked confused but chose not to say anything, diving back into my bed. I went and got the laptop, putting it on my desk and turning it on.

"Secret Laptop? Cool. Must be the really freaky shit..OW!" She yelped as the collar shocked her for cursing. I chuckled.

"That's what you get. And I'm not watching porn. It'" I said. She snorted.

"Yeah. Sure. Please don't tell me I have to sit and watch"


"Fine Fine. No Porn. What are you doing then?" She came over and leaned against the desk, looking at the screen. I had already logged in and the chat room window was sitting idly.

"Nothing. Go over and mess around with the iPad. It's unlocked" I told her. She huffed in annoyance and climbed back onto my bed, grabbing the iPad.

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