Chapter Twenty Nine

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Delayed Opening today I'm happy af 🤪
———————————————————————————Layla's POV:

"Layla. What were you doing?" I woke up to Mother standing in the middle of the room with a guard at the door. She moved her foot to keep from messing up my masterpiece and I sat up.

"Painting. What could you possibly want. Come to tell me Zane's killed Scarlett?" I snapped, walking over to the table where some food had been left. She sighed from behind me.

"Why do you care so fucking much about one single pet girl? She's a pet. Eventually she'd get too old and you'd throw her away for a new one. Unless she's got useful special talents good riddance" She said back, crossing her arms. Anger flared up instantly.

"You were Mom's pet. She cared about you and you had a 'special talent' that made her want to keep you around, a baby. I....I think I loved her" My voice faded from angry to soft and sad. I loved her.

"But I'm not owned by your Mom now am I? No. I'm an Owner. She married me. Pets rarely marry their owners these days. Your little redhead will probably be dead in another week or so. Then you can forgot her and hopefully move on." She said, pacing. I watched her, saying nothing.

"Don't you get it? If you leave here your Mom will have you killed. I'm saving you. She said I could deal with you. I'm saving you from dying." She snapped suddenly, whirling around to face me. I moved closer and shoved her back.

"Fuck you. You basically killed the girl I loved. I'd rather die than be saved by you." I growled. She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. My comment had obviously hurt her. Suddenly my vision blurred and I stumbled. Sharp pain traveled up my spine and I screamed, falling to the floor and clutching my side. It really hurt. What was happening?

I heard Mother barking orders before she knelt down next to me, her eyes wild with panic. She wasn't doing this. A medic came running through the doors with a bag, which hit the floor and unfortunately covered my rough painting. But that soon faded from my mind, being overtaken by pain.

"She was hit by a laced bullet. We need to get her to the medical room. Whoever did it earlier botched it there's still a little bit in. She's lucky. A whole bullet would of killed her in nearly 2-3 days." The medic said. He sounded oddly familiar. Then I saw the eyes. Kion.

I was lifted onto a rolling table and taken out of the room. Unfortunately Mother followed until Kion nodded at one of the guards to stop her.

"Miss Redd. Your daughter will be properly taken care of. You need to go the room is small." He said when she protested. That made her stop. She squeezed my hand then reluctantly left. My vision was fading in and out by the time we got to the medical room. He told the guards to wait outside and slammed the door.

"Shit. Didn't think that would work. Took a while." He mumbled, producing a needle and stabbing me with it. My vision returned to normal and the pain faded. I sat up and immediately punched him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? First you abandon us all and then you come poison plus save me?" I snapped quietly. He rubbed his jaw and chuckled.

"Hey. It was a good plan. It got your crazy Mother to the other side of the Tech property and the guards left. They'll return in 10 minutes to check that I didn't kill you. And I deserved that" He replied with a smirk. I raised my fist and he flinched back.

"Whats the plan then. March me out of here and nobody will notice?" I asked. He walked over to the counter and reached under it, pulling out a small black box. He popped it open and pulled a contraption out of it, approaching me. He took the medical collar and attached the thing to it. Minutes later it broke apart and slipped off my neck. Then the alarms went off.

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