Chapter Eighteen

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About to hit Chapter Twenty aye 🤪 Maya's Story already passed Thirty damn.
(Earlier) Erika's POV:

I managed to get to the place with 7 minutes to kill. I just spent the time on my phone until I saw another car pull up. A black truck with tinted windows.

Cue the crime movie soundtrack.

I turned my phone's ringer off and slipped it into the bottom of the duffel bag, getting out of the car and walking towards the truck with it slung onto my back. The door opened and out stepped a guy dressed in practically a matching trench coat and combat boots, complete with gloves. He just stepped aside and gestured for me to get in. I swallowed to calm my rattling nerves and climbed inside, sitting on the seat and placing the bag on my lap. The guy slid in next to me and the car started.

'You have been bound to the car. Leaving will result in continuous level 7 shocks until you return and a punishment shock of level 9' Siri said as soon as the car started. I kept my mouth shut and just looked out the windows. We seemed to be heading out of the main part of the city.

Good job Erika. Jumping in with absolutely no plan. What am I supposed to do? Find the off switch for the island and drown everyone?

Lost in thought I barely felt the guy probing me to move out of the car until the collar shocked me. I grabbed the bag and slid out, nearly tripping on the uneven ground. Stupid heels. The man, followed by what seemed to be the driver, walked around the car and held out his hand to help guide me over the rough patch until there was space to get over to the smooth part. I looked up and shielded my eyes from the raging sun.

So it's still day. Good. Are we taking a boat out of here?

We walked across the large empty lot to a warehouse. The man pulled out a key and unlocked the door, pushing me to go first. I hated how quiet it was but I knew that the second I talked they'd find out I wasn't Harley and I'd be dead meat.

There was a giant staircase, leading up to what looked to be the rooftop. We took the stairs two at a time, one man in front and the other behind me. Guess they didn't want me escaping.

We made it onto the roof and that's when I saw the helicopter. It was already running, with someone in the front and someone in the back. The driver guy hung back as the trench coat man ducked me into the helicopter, sliding open the door. Another man dressed in an all white combat uniform with white boots was waiting. He grabbed my collar and yanked me inside.

"You're in huge trouble. The entire briefing was about NOT killing the target." He snarled. I kept on a blank face, fighting the urge to smile. He shoved me onto the seat and made room for the trench coat man to come in. The helicopter lurched, taking off as soon as the door was closed. Siri told me I was bound to the helicopter and It took all my strength to not snort.

What the fuck do they expect me to do? Jump out and fly back home? Become a bird?

The ride was pretty long, I ended up resulting to my collar for entertainment. YouTube worked wonders. I found out I could download games and let a bit of air escape as a laugh.

We finally touched down on a helicopter pad. A woman stepped up and opened the door quickly, ushering me out. Neither of the men inside followed me, instead closing the door and taking off with the helicopter. The woman led me down the stairs back into the building. I took one look at the all white hallway and immediately hated it here more than ever.

"Ah! Harley! Your second mission. A failure. You murdered your target despite all the training teaching you how to deal with fighting in an easier way." She snapped. I stiffly nodded and tried to keep the same blank composure I'd seen Harley use. As we walked through the countless white hallways we passed a few other girls, the looks on their faces completely matched mine. Zero emotion. It was unnerving.

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